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54984 尽量减少外出活动 Minimizing Outings
54985 每个人是自己健康第一责任人。 Everyone is the first person responsible for his/her health.
54986 新冠肺炎疫情期间,除了政府和相关部门采取的防控措施外,每位公民做好个人防护,减少不必要的外出、聚集等行为,是对自己和他人健康负责,也是维护公众安全的应尽义务。 During the outbreak of COVID-19, on top of the prevention and control measures taken by the government and relevant agencies, every citizen should be responsible for their own and others’ health, and fulfil the due diligence to maintain public security by protecting themselves and reducing non-essential outings and gatherings.
54987 根据国家卫生健康委发布的《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》,目前所见传染源主要是新型冠状病毒感染的患者。 According to the Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 7) published by the NHC, patients infected by the novel coronavirus are the main source of infection.
54988 无症状感染者也可能成为传染源。 Asymptomatic coronavirus carriers are possible source of infection.
54989 经呼吸道飞沫和密切接触传播是主要的传播途径。 Major ways of transmission are respiratory droplets and close contact with infected people.
54990 人群普遍易感。 All people are vulnerable to COVID-19.
54991 在备餐和聚餐过程中,人群相互之间都是密切接触者,咳嗽、打喷嚏甚至近距离交谈产生的飞沫,可直接传播给整个聚会人群,极易造成疾病传播,为疾病流行提供有利条件。 While preparing meals or dining together, people are in close contact with each other. Droplets spread by coughing, sneezing and even talking in close distance may directly transmit to the whole group, which can easily spread the disease and facilitate the prevalence of the disease.
54992 因此,减少人员出行,避免参加集会、聚会是阻断疫情的重要措施。 Therefore, reducing outings and avoiding gatherings and parties are important measures to interrupt the transmission of the disease.
54993 加强个人防护,还要减少到公共场所活动,尤其是一些人员密集、空气流动性差的公共场所,如商场、餐厅、影院、车站、机场、码头、展览馆等。 People should strengthen personal protection by reducing visits to public places, especially where is crowded or poorly ventilated, such as shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas, stations, airports, wharves and exhibition centers.