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54994 这是因为,公共场所人员多、流动量大、人员组成复杂,一旦有病毒携带者,很容易造成人与人之间的传播,进而引发病毒感染和疫情扩散。 These public places are crowded with people from everywhere and have high population mobility, and virus carriers are easy to cause people-to-people transmission, incur virus infections, and spread the disease.
54995 正确使用口罩 Using Facemasks Properly
54996 口罩是预防呼吸道传染病的重要防线,可以降低新冠病毒感染风险。 Facemasks are important for preventing infectious respiratory diseases and lowering the risk of COVID-19 infections.
54997 口罩不仅可以防止病人喷射飞沫,降低飞沫量和喷射速度,还可阻挡含病毒的飞沫核,防止佩戴者吸入。 Facemasks can prevent patients from spraying droplets, reduce the amount and speed of droplets, and protect the wearers from inhaling droplet nucleus of the virus.
54998 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,口罩在疫情防控中起着重要作用。 Facemasks have been effective in preventing and controlling COVID-19.
54999 2020年1月30日,国家卫生健康委印发《预防新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎口罩使用指南》。 On January 30, the NHC published a Guide on Facemask Usage Against Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia.
55000 2月5日,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制印发《预防新型冠状病毒感染口罩选择与使用技术指引》。 On February 5, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council published the Technical Guidelines for Selecting and Using Facemasks Against Novel Coronavirus Infection.
55001 3月17日,根据疫情防控形势向好和复工复产需要,联防联控机制修订形成《公众科学戴口罩指引》,从普通公众、特定场所人员、职业暴露人员以及重点人员进行分类,并对不同场景下戴口罩提出科学指引的建议。 On March 17, in response to work resumption as the disease prevention and control improved, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism published a Guide on Proper Usage of Facemasks by the Public, providing advice for wearing facemasks under different conditions for the general public, people at specific areas, people with occupational exposure, and key population groups.
55002 口罩佩戴的基本原则是科学合理佩戴、规范使用、有效防护。 Facemasks should be worn and used properly to ensure effective protection.
55003 根据相关指南、指引建议,在非疫区空旷且通风场所不需要佩戴口罩,进入人员密集或密闭公共场所需要佩戴口罩。 According to relevant guidance, in areas not affected by the disease, facemasks are unnecessary in open and well-ventilated places, but people should wear facemasks when entering crowded or enclosed public places.