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55004 在疫情高发地区空旷且通风场所建议佩戴一次性使用医用口罩;进入人员密集或密闭公共场所,佩戴医用外科口罩或颗粒物防护口罩。 In high-risk areas, people should wear disposable medical masks in open and well-ventilated places, and wear surgical masks or respirators of grade N95 when entering crowded or enclosed public places.
55005 特殊人群如可能接触疑似或确诊病例的高危人群,建议佩戴医用防护口罩(N95及以上级别)并佩戴护目镜。 Special groups who may contact suspected or confirmed cases should wear goggles and respirators of grade N95 or above.
55006 佩戴医用外科口罩时,鼻夹侧朝上,深色面朝外,上下拉开褶皱,使口罩覆盖口、鼻及下颌;按捏鼻夹,使之贴紧鼻梁,防止侧漏。 When wearing surgical masks, hold the mask with the nose strip on top and the dark-colored side facing outward, pull the mask over the mouth, nose and chins, and pinch the nose strip to conform to the shape of the nose.
55007 佩戴口罩前按规程洗手,佩戴时避免接触口罩内侧。 Wash hands according to procedures before wearing a mask and avoid touching the inside of the mask.
55008 口罩佩戴2-4小时更换一次,如口罩脏污、变形、损坏、有异味时也要及时更换。 Replace the mask every two to four hours, and change the mask when it is dirty, contaminated, distorted, damaged or smelly.
55009 口罩摘下后应将接触口鼻的一面朝里叠好,如需再次使用,可悬挂在洁净、干燥通风处,或将其放置在清洁、透气的纸袋中; Take off the mask with the side touching the nose and mouth folded inward, hang the mask in clean, dry, ventilated place or put it in a clean and ventilated paper bag for reuse.
55010 如不再使用,应放入固定丢弃处,避免交叉感染。 Dispose the mask in a specific garbage bin to avoid cross infection.
55011 儿童不宜佩戴成人口罩,家长要帮助儿童正确佩戴口罩,并随时关注佩戴情况, Children should not wear the facemasks for adults, and parents should help their children wear facemasks properly.
55012 年龄极小的婴幼儿不能佩戴口罩,易引起窒息。 Babies cannot wear facemasks, which can pose suffocation risks.
55013 刘晓明大使在英国《金融时报》发表署名文章《中国分享宝贵经验,助力全球战胜疫情》 Ambassador Liu Xiaoming contributes an article to Financial Times entitled China has valuable lessons for the world in how to fight Covid-19