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55014 2020年4月28日,英国主流大报《金融时报》以《中国分享宝贵经验,助力全球战胜疫情》为题,刊登刘晓明大使署名文章。 On 28 April, Financial Times published an article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled China has valuable lessons for the world in how to fight Covid-19 on its website.
55015 全文如下: The full text is as follows:
55016 当前,新冠肺炎疫情正在全球蔓延,这是本世纪人类面临的最严峻挑战。 The spread of Covid-19 has been the most severe challenge that mankind has faced this century.
55017 如何战胜疫情?这是摆在世界各国政府面前的一道艰难考题。 How to win the battle against the virus is a question every country and government must answer.
55018 对于这个问题,中国给出了三个答案: China’s answer is three-fold.
55019 中国既为中国人民生命安全和身体健康尽责,也为世界人民的健康和福祉担当。 First, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the people of the world is just as important as protecting one’s own people.
55020 在习近平主席坚强领导下,中国政府不畏艰险,迎难而上,采取了最全面、最彻底、最严格的防控举措,中国国内疫情防控取得重要阶段性成效,经济社会运行秩序加快恢复,为国际疫情防控争取了宝贵时间。 Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government met the challenge head on. In the war against the virus, the most comprehensive, thorough and strict measures were taken, which bought time for the world by containing the spread of the disease.
55021 第二,中国抗疫取得积极成效,为全球战“疫”注入信心。 Second, the initial success in China has bolstered international confidence in beating the virus.
55022 中国坚定不移深化改革、扩大开放,加强宏观经济政策协调,稳市场、保增长、保民生,确保全球供应链开放、稳定、安全。 Looking ahead, China remains committed to deepening reforms and opening its market wider to the world, stepping up co-ordination of macroeconomic policies, steadying market performance, maintaining growth, safeguarding people’s wellbeing and ensuring that global supply chains are open, stable and secure.
55023 中国积累凝聚形成了三条宝贵抗疫经验,助力人类战胜全球性挑战。 China’s experiences in containing Covid-19 have been also helpful in the global response to this challenge.