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55024 一是坚信生命至上、人民至上,中国始终把人民生命安全和身体健康放在第一位;二是坚持向科学要答案、要方案,坚持早隔离、早治疗;三是实施联防联控。 The first experience is the importance of saving lives and safeguarding public health. The second is to enforce measures that are based on science, including the principle of early quarantine and treatment. Last but not least is the need for a joint response: from the central government to local communities, joint prevention and control efforts quickly formed a tight net.
55025 中国迅速构建起从中央到地方最严密的联防联控网,发挥“一方有难、八方支援”的精神,全国42000多名医务人员火速驰援湖北武汉,共同打赢武汉保卫战。 The whole nation was mobilised to support Hubei province and its capital Wuhan, where more than 42,000 medical workers from around the country fought on the frontline in the battle against Covid-19.
55026 第三,积极开展国际合作,打好全球疫情防控阻击战,面对疫情,没有任何国家能置身其外、独善其身。 Lastly, the battle cannot be won unless the world comes together, as no country is immune to the virus.
55027 疫情暴发伊始,中国就本着公开、透明、负责任的态度,积极开展国际抗疫合作。 Since the beginning of the outbreak, China has carried out international co-operation in an open, transparent and responsible spirit.
55028 中国第一时间甄别病原体,第一时间与世界卫生组织共享病毒全基因序列,第一时间向15国派出17批医疗专家组,第一时间毫无保留地与包括英国在内的150多个国家及国际组织分享抗疫经验。 In record time, China identified the pathogen of the virus, shared its full genetic sequence with the World Health Organisation, sent 17 teams of medical experts to 15 countries, and shared its experience with more than 150 countries and international organisations, including the UK.
55029 中国拥有14亿人口,外防输入、内防反弹压力仍然很大,但是中国克服困难、雪中送炭,为全球抗疫提供强大的技术和物资支持,加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。 As a country of 1.4bn people, China still faces enormous pressure from a possible rebound at home as well as imported cases. But this has not stopped China from taking part in the global response by supplying the international market with pharmaceutical ingredients, daily necessities, and medical and protective equipment and material.
55030 中国积极支持世卫组织发挥领导作用,已累计向世卫组织捐款5000万美元,深化疫情防控国际合作,完善全球卫生治理,帮助公共卫生体系薄弱的发展中国家提高应对能力。 China has been supportive of the leadership of the WHO, having donated $50m to the organisation. It also supports international co-operation, more effective global governance in public health and greater assistance to developing countries with weak public health systems.
55031 当前,国际上一些人极力污名化中国,指责中国“掩盖”疫情数据,造谣世卫组织被中国“支配”,甚至要求中国“道歉”和“赔偿”。 However, in a recent campaign of stigmatisation, China has been accused of covering up data, while the WHO is accused of being controlled by China. Some have even demanded an apology and compensation from China.
55032 这些“政治病毒”傲慢与偏见交织,无知与狂妄相杂。 This “political virus”, born of prejudice and ignorance, distracts attention from the real efforts required to meet this crisis.
55033 大“疫”当前,国际合作是必选项而不是可选项。 In face of a raging pandemic, international co-operation is not a choice but a must-do.