ID 原文 译文
55034 那些到处污名化中国的人,违背人类良知,欠中国人民一个道歉! I believe those who seek to stigmatise China owe the Chinese people an apology.
55035 正如习近平主席指出,团结合作是国际社会战胜疫情最有力武器。 As the president has said, solidarity and co-operation are the most powerful weapons for the international community to defeat Covid-19.
55036 中国愿与国际社会一道,秉持人类命运共同体理念,守望相助,同舟共济,携手战“疫”。 China stands ready to fight with the rest of the world in a spirit of community and a shared future.
55037 黎明总会到来,黑夜终将过去。 If the world comes together, the time will come when the dawn breaks and ends this dark hour.
55038  “In these unstable and uncertain times, we need to look to the things that unite us the things that show us the world in all of its variations - and for that, we need artists” said Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General, in launching the ResiliArt movement and debate.  “在这个不稳定和不确定的时代,我们需要那些使我们团结一致的东西——那些向我们展示丰富多彩的世界东西——为此,我们需要艺术家。”教科文组织总干事阿祖莱为“坚韧艺术”运动和讨论揭幕时说。
55039 ResiliArt aims to shed light on the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 on the cultural sector. “坚韧艺术”关注新冠病毒对文化产业的深远影响。
55040 As of 14 April, cultural institutions are closed in 128 countries and partially closed in 32 countries. 截至4月14日,128国的文化机构已全部关闭,32国的文化机构已部分关闭。
55041 The global film industry has recorded a revenue loss of US $7 billion. 全球电影业已录得70亿美元的收入损失。
55042 COVID-19 is not just a health crisis. It is also a dark cloud over not only music, but culture in general,” said Jean-Michel Jarre, composer, performer, CISAC President and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, in stressing the need to raise awareness on the situation of artists and creators and to take action. 作曲家、演奏家、国际作家和作曲家协会联合会主席兼教科文组织亲善大使雅尔(Jean-Michel Jarre)说:“新冠疫情不仅仅是一场健康危机。它使音乐产业和整个文化领域阴云笼罩。”他强调,我们需要提高对艺术家和创作者处境的认识,并采取行动。
55043 This first ResiliArt debate covered pressing issues affecting the livelihoods of cultural professionals, including the social and economic rights of artists, copyright protection, digitization of content and freedom of expression. 第一场“坚韧艺术”讨论聚焦影响文化工作者生计的紧迫问题,包括艺术家的社会和经济权利、版权保护、内容数字化和言论自由。