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55044 The need to ensure that these issues are given the place they deserve in the political and social discussions that will shape the world after the crisis was stressed by the Director-General. 总干事强调,当前的政治和社会讨论将塑造危机后的世界,必须确保这些问题在讨论中占据应有的地位。
55045 While the impact of COVID-19 on the creative industries has become evident, panelists observed that policies and measures to alleviate the consequences have been slow to develop and underscored that government support for artists is essential. 虽然新冠疫情对创意产业的影响已经非常显著,但与会者指出减缓这种影响的政策和措施严重滞后,并强调政府对艺术家的支持至关重要。
55046 “Everybody is talking about opening the economy. “每个人都在讨论重新恢复经济活动。
55047 We are part of the economy. 我们也是经济的一部分。
55048 The money we bring to the table is significant,” said singer-songwriter Angélique Kidjo. “We have to rethink how we protect artists. 我们创造的财富不容小觑,”创作歌手基德约说,“我们必须重新思考如何保护艺术家。
55049 We need to campaign also for developing countries to step up and protect their artists,” she added. Nina Obuljen-Koržinek, Minister of Culture of Croatia, noted that the challenges faced by governments in responding to the crisis were amplified because this crisis is unprecedented. 我们还需要呼吁发展中国家加强行动,保护本国艺术家。”克罗地亚文化部长科尔日奈克指出,由于这场危机是前所未有的,政府在应对危机时面临的挑战也空前巨大。
55050 “Suddenly within weeks, the whole environment in which the artists have been creating and in which we have been putting in measures to support the arts has been fundamentally changed,” she said. 她说:“突然之间,艺术家们的整个创作环境,以及我们采取措施支持艺术的整个环境都发生了根本性的变化。”
55051 The deterioration of the status of the artist was raised as a major concern, with Jarre noting that the situation “threatens to send generations of creators into poverty.” 艺术家处境的恶化是讨论的一大主要议题。雅尔指出,当前形势“有可能使几代创作者陷入贫困”。
55052 According to Deeyah Khan, a musician and documentary film director, noted that “Workers within this field do not, even under normal circumstances, enjoy the same level of protections and the same rights as many workers in other sectors. 音乐家和纪录片导演汗说:“这一领域的工作者即使在正常情况下也无法享受与其他部门的许多工作者同等的保护和权利。
55053 Today we are even more vulnerable, because our professions are not viewed as necessary.” 今天,我们甚至更加脆弱,因为我们的职业被视为非必要职业。”