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55054 The exchange underlined that culture and creativity are not a luxury, but in fact are necessary for the survival of societies. 这场讨论强调,文化和创造力不是奢侈品,而是社会存续的必需品。
55055 Panelists underscored that the ramifications of the crisis will be felt long after it ends, and called for the protection of artists and for fair remuneration of their work both now and in the long term. 与会者们强调,这场危机的影响将一直持续到危机结束之后。他们呼吁保护艺术家,并在当下和长期内对他们的工作给予公平的报酬。
55056 The importance of vigilance and stronger regulation amidst the current push for digitization and platformization of cultural content was particularly stressed. 在当前文化内容数字化和平台化的趋势之下,与会者们还特别强调了保持警惕和加强监管的重要性。
55057 The fact that so much is moving online and artists are sharing their work for free brings challenges as well. 许多内容正在向线上转移,艺术家们正在免费分享他们的作品,这一变化也带来了挑战。
55058 “In parallel to the positive example of how artists are providing support for their audiences during this difficult time with online content, we have to send a message that the protection of copyright and fair remuneration of artists who are creating art should be in the center of the discussion,” said Obuljen-Koržinek. 科尔日奈克说:“在这个困难时期,艺术家们正在用线上内容为观众提供支持,这是一个积极的榜样。与此同时,我们必须传递这样一个信息,即版权保护和艺术创作者的公平报酬是应该优先讨论的问题。”
55059 “It is not the technology that creates. Art must remain human,” added Kidjo. 基德约补充道:“技术并非创造的主体。艺术必须坚持以人为本。”
55060 The debate reflected the need to reimagine the cultural sector as it adapts to the new normal brought about by the crisis. 这场讨论反映出,我们需要重新构想文化领域,以使其适应危机带来的新常态。
55061 Luis Puenzo, film director and screenwriter, discussed the film industry and the increased role of streaming platforms. 电影导演和编剧潘佐讨论了电影业和流媒体平台日益突出的作用。
55062 Many of his peers in Latin America’s film industry have lost their livelihoods, and are calling for creative employment solutions during and after the crisis. 他在拉丁美洲电影行业的许多同行已经失去了生计,他们呼吁在危机期间和危机后采取创造性的就业解决方案。
55063 “We need open minds to reinvent and recreate our jobs. We must believe we can continue to be artists in another reality,” he said. 他说:“我们需要开放的头脑来重塑和革新我们的工作。