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55064 Yasmina Khadra, an author, stressed the need to create new readers through education, and encouraged governments to take measures to encourage youths to read. 我们必须建立对艺术家这一职业的信心。”作家卡德拉(Yasmina Khadra)强调了通过教育培养新读者的必要性,并鼓励政府采取措施鼓励年轻人阅读。
55065 “Books will save the world and help us access humanity” he said 他说:“书籍能拯救世界,让我们感受人类文明。”
55066 The discussion emphasized the importance of solidarity for artists and creators. 讨论强调了支持艺术家和创作者的重要性。
55067 Social-distancing measures have disproportionately affected vulnerable segments of the society, including artists. 社交距离措施对社会中的弱势群体的影响尤其严重,包括对于艺术家而言。
55068 The two-hour discussion, which hosted a myriad of views, experiences and regions, was further enriched by over 600 comments and questions posted by the viewers around the world which numbered over 1,100. 两个小时的讨论覆盖了各种各样的观点、经验和地区。全世界1100多名观众提出的600多条评论和问题进一步丰富了讨论内容。
55069 ResiliArt is a movement that belongs to artists, cultural institutions, and culture sector stakeholders. “坚韧艺术”是属于艺术家、文化机构和文化领域利益相关方的运动。
55070 They are encouraged to start their own ResiliArt exchange using an institutional guide and a participation guide available on UNESCO’s ResiliArt website. 欢迎各方参考教科文组织“坚韧艺术”网站上的机构指南和参与指南,发起自己的“坚韧艺术”交流活动。
55071 Alongside the launch of the ResiliArt movement, UNESCO also launched a weekly “Culture & COVID-19: Impact and Response Tracker. It provides an overview of the rapidly evolving situation and profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the culture sector. 在发起“坚韧”艺术运动的同时,教科文组织还推出了每周一期的《文化与新冠疫情:影响和应对报告》,概述了瞬息万变的新冠疫情对文化领域的深远影响。
55078 谣言7:中国隐瞒并美化了新冠肺炎确诊和死亡人数。 유언비어 7: 중국은 코로나19 확진자 수와 사망자 수를 은폐하고 미화하고 있다.
55079 真相:中国在新冠肺炎确诊和死亡人数统计上始终保持透明,不折不扣地履行了通报义务。 진실: 중국은 코로나19 확진자 수와 사망자 통계를 줄곧 투명하게 유지하며 거짓 없이 통보의무를 이행하고 있다.