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55110 Measures to protect these workers should include among others education and training on safe and healthy work practices, free provision of PPE as needed, access to public health services and livelihood alternatives.  为他们提供职业安全与健康教育和培训,按需提供免费的个人防护用品,使他们能享受公共卫生服务并获得临时替代性谋生手段。
55111 On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, I call on all countries to assure well-defined, decent and safe working conditions for all health workers." Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General 值此世界职业安全与健康日,我呼吁各国为所有卫生工作者提供良好、体面和安全的工作条件。" 世界卫生组织总干事谭德赛博士。
55112 “The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for strong national programmes to protect the health and safety of health workers, medical professionals, emergency responders, and the many other workers risking their lives on our behalf,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. 卫生工作者、医疗专业人员、应急工作者以及许多其他人冒着生命危险守护公众健康,必须通过制定强有力的国家计划来保护他们的安全与健康,这是此次冠状病毒疫情带来的启示”,世界卫生组织总干事谭德赛博士表示。
55113 “On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, I call on all countries to assure well-defined, decent and safe working conditions for all health workers."  值此世界职业安全与健康日,我呼吁各国为所有卫生工作者提供良好、体面和安全的工作条件”。
55114 To ensure a safe return to work and to avoid further work disruptions, the ILO recommends:  Mapping hazards and assessing risks of contagion in relation to all work operations, and continuing to assess them following a return to work. 为了确保安全复工,避免生产再次受到影响,国际劳工组织建议:对与所有工作环节评估有害传染因素和风险,并在复工后持续开展风险评估;
55115 Adopting risk control measures adapted to each sector and the specifics of each workplace and workforce. 针对每个行业、工作场所和工作人员的具体特点,采取风险控制措施。
55116 - Reducing physical interactions between workers, contractors, customers and visitors and respecting physical distancing when any interactions occur. - 减少工人、承包方、顾客和访客之间的接触;必须接触时,需保持一定距离;
55117 - Improving ventilation in the workplace. - 改善工作场所的通风;
55118 - Regularly cleaning surfaces, ensuring workplaces are clean and hygienic, - 定期清洁表面,确保工作场所清洁卫生,
55119 and providing adequate facilities for handwashing and sanitization. 提供充足的洗手和消毒设施;