ID 原文 译文
55120 Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to workers where necessary and at no cost. 必要时免费提供个人防护用品。
55121 Providing arrangements for isolating suspected cases and tracing every contact. 对疑似病例进行隔离安排,并追踪每个接触者。
55122 Providing mental health support for staff. 为员工提供心理支持服务。
55123 Providing training, education and informational material about health and safety at work, including proper hygiene practices and the use of any workplace controls (including PPE). 提供职业安全卫生培训、教育和信息材料,包括如何建立良好卫生习惯及使用工作场所控制设施(包括个人防护用品)。
55124 The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped many businesses and closed most production, but this isn’t true for the farmers and food producers who need to keep working so that the world can continue to eat. 2019冠状病毒病疫情迫使众多企业停业停产,但农民和粮食生产商却不能停工,为让世界能够继续有饭吃,他们必须继续工作。
55125 Their vital contribution to the pandemic response cannot be overlooked.  他们为应对疫情所做出的重要贡献不容忽视。
55126 In this crisis, eating healthy with fresh fruits and vegetables is even more important and for this we rely on the farmers worldwide who are continuing to harvest and produce food for us. 在这场危机中,能吃到新鲜健康的水果和蔬菜变得比以往更加重要。所以,我们依赖世界各地的农民继续为我们生产和收获粮食。
55127 They are our Food Heroes, braving the risks of the virus, to bring us the food on which we depend. 他们是大家的粮食英雄,不俱病毒威胁,为人们提供赖以生存的食物。
55128 Luis Alberto Sinche is exactly that, a food hero and one of the many farmers who is working daily to ensure that his compatriots have healthy and nutritious food despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Luis Alberto Sinche就是其中一员,一位粮食英雄,也是众多农民的缩影。2019 冠状病毒病疫情爆发以来,Luis每天仍努力工作,以确保他的同胞能够获得健康、有营养的食物。
55129 “We are complying with all measures adopted by the government. We don’t go out in groups. Luis描述道:我们遵守所有政府采取的措施,不会聚集在一起。