ID 原文 译文
55130 We only leave our homes to work on the farm; we respect the curfew,” describes Luis 只是从家到农场工作,遵守宵禁令。
55131 As a smallholder farmer whose livelihood depends on his harvest, Luis must also keep working in order to sustain his family. 作为一个靠农场维持生计的小农,在疫情期间Luis 仍需继续工作以维持家庭 生计。
55132 The Qali Warma school feeding programme is still functioning in some areas with very high poverty rates, delivering food while maintaining physical distancing measures. Qali Warma学校供膳计划在一些贫困率极高的地区仍在发挥作用。
55133 However, the scope of the programme has been temporarily cut back because of the crisis. 食物供应需要保持人际距离,受疫情影响,该计划的覆盖范围不得不暂时缩减。
55134 Agroecological practices and food safety  农业生态做法与食品安全
55135 Luis works with other farmers in his area to foster the use of sustainable agro-ecological and organic practices which he learnt from FAO’s Farmer Field School.  Luis与他所在地区的农民合作,鼓励大家使用他从粮农组织农民田间学校学到的可持续农业生态和有机做法。
55136 “My bananas never touch the ground. 我的香蕉从来不接触地面。
55137 I wash my hands and wear a facemask. 处理时,我会洗手、戴口罩。
55138 I guard my bananas with bio-degradable bags that protects them against insects, pests and diseases and guarantees that they are safe and of high quality.” 我用生物可降解的袋子来保护香蕉免受害虫和疾病的侵扰,以确保其安全和质量。
55139 He does not use pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers on his farm. 他的农场里不使用杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂或化肥。