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55140 “I use biological control measures that I prepare myself, using my own banana trees. 我在香蕉树上使用自制的生物控制措施。
55141 I use discarded bananas and other residues to make compost and natural compounds to fumigate the plants.” 用废弃的香蕉和其他残余来制作堆肥和天然化合物来熏蒸作物。
55142 Luis says that because of these practices many of the sanitary measures needed for the COVID-19 pandemic were already in practice in his farm and in his home. Luis解释道,疫情所需的许多卫生措施一直是他农场和家里的常规做法。
55143 While COVID-19 is affecting everyone’s day-to-day lives, some things don’t change. 虽然2019冠状病毒病影响着每个人的日常生活,但有些事情并未改变。
55144 People still need to eat to keep healthy. Farmers still need to earn money. 人们仍然需要吃得好来确保健康的体魄,农民也需要赚钱维持生计。
55145 That is why FAO is working to ensure that its programmes continue to support those who are food insecure or whose livelihoods are at risk, because of the pandemic or other causes that also haven’t stopped, such as conflict and climate change. 为此,粮农组织的项目致力于支持面临粮食不安全或生计受到威胁的社区,尤其是受到疫情或其他原因(如冲突和气候变化)影响的人。 
55146 FAO is continuing to support the farmers and farmer organizations of the central region of Peru to further agroecology, maintain good hygiene practices during the harvest and improve processing practices to guarantee the quality and safety of the food they produce. 粮农组织正继续为秘鲁中部地区的农民及农民组织提供支持,进一步发展农业生态做法,在收获期间保持良好的卫生习惯,改进加工方法,以保证所生产粮食的质量及安全性。
55147 While the world is focused on combatting one issue, there are the many others we cannot ignore. 当全世界都集中精力应对新冠危机时,还有许多其他问题我们不能忽视。
55148 FAO’s goal is still a healthy, food secure, sustainable world and we are continuing our work, despite circumstances, to make this a reality. 粮农组织的目标始终如一建立一个健康、粮食安全、具可持续性的世界。我们会不惧阻力并不懈努力,实现这一目标。
55149 West Africa and the Sahel region in particular have long been prone to droughts and food shortages, and over the past decade, rising insecurity. 问题1:一直以来,非洲西部,尤其是萨赫勒地区饱受干旱和粮食短缺的威胁。过去十年里,当地安全局势更是不断恶化。