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55150 How is the situation now? 目前的情况如何?
55151 This is a complex region - hit by chronic hunger, insecurity, climate change, the threats of a Desert Locust outbreak, and now the pandemic. 西非地区受到长期饥饿、不安全和气候变化冲击,面临沙漠蝗灾威胁,现在又遭遇新冠疫情冲击,情况十分复杂。
55152 Year after year, five out of the ten countries at the bottom of the UN Development Index are in West Africa. 多年来,联合国发展指数排名最后的十个国家中,一半位于西非。
55153 Right now, we are particularly concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Central Sahel - comprised of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. 目前,粮农组织特别关注萨赫勒中部地区(布基纳法索、马里和尼日尔)的人道主义危机。
55154 Some four million people here are already facing extreme hunger and this could rise to 5.5 million people by August. 当地目前约有400万人面临极端饥饿。到8月,这一人数可能上升到550万。
55155 Just to put it in perspective - by August, in Burkina Faso, over two million people could be facing extreme hunger, and at the worst time - as the lean season sets in and food becomes scarcer. 我们预计,随着青黄不接的季节很快来临,食物日益稀缺,布基纳法索的极端饥饿人口数量可能在8月份超过200万,是去年同期的三倍。
55156 This number is three times higher than last year during the same period. 当地的处境将极为艰难。
55157 Across West Africa, as of April, over 11 million people need immediate food assistance - mostly due to conflict. 截至4月,主要受冲突影响,西非地区有超过1100万人需要立即获得粮食援助。
55158 And this number will continue rising, potentially reaching 17 million during the lean season (June- August) if we don't respond fast. 且人数仍在增长,如果我们不迅速响应,到了青黄不接的时期(6月至8月)可能将有1700万人需要援助。
55159 As of now, some 1.2 million people have been displaced in Central Sahel. 截至目前,萨赫勒中部已有约120万人流离失所。