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55160 If the conflict persists, more people will suffer the same fate.  如果冲突持续,更多的人将遭受同样的命运。
55161 According to the 2020 Global Food Crisis report, increasing violence, displacements and disrupted agriculture and trade in tandem with adverse climate in West Africa and Sahel countries will worsen acute food insecurity conditions in many areas this year. 根据2020年《全球粮食危机报告》,越发严重的暴力现象、流离失所、农业和贸易遭到破坏,加上不利的气候条件,将在今年导致西非和萨赫勒国家许多地区的重度粮食不安全状况出现恶化。
55162 COVID-19 could not have come at a worse time for vulnerable communities across West Africa. 新冠疫情让原本脆弱的西非民众雪上加霜。
55163 Who is most at risk from COVID-19? 问题2:哪些群体最易受新冠疫情冲击?
55164 First of all: children. 儿童首当其冲。
55165 Malnutrition rates in the Sahel are one of the highest in the world. 萨赫勒是全球营养不良发生率最高的地区之一。
55166 Some 2.5 million children - more than a quarter in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger - suffer from severe and acute malnutrition.  约250万儿童(其中,超过四分之一来自布基纳法索、马里和尼日尔)患有严重和重度营养不良。
55167 As mothers and children are the hardest hit, in general, they will also suffer the most during  the pandemic. 一般而言,母亲和儿童所受冲击最大,因此在疫情期间他们的处境也将最为艰难。
55168 Those who are already hungry, or already hungry and displaced, will be at extreme risk. 那些已经面临饥饿,或者遭受饥饿且无家可归的人面临的风险极高。
55169 The key issue to highlight is that the pandemic is expanding during crucial months for this region - when people need to plant, move with their animals. 需要重点关注的是,疫情暴发的时间恰逢该地区的农忙时节。