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55170 Farmers need to be able to sell their current produces but also access fields and markets to prepare for the main 2020/2021 agricultural season. 农户要播种和放牧,要卖掉收获的农产品,还要下地和进行采购,为2020/2021年的主要农业季做准备。
55171 Governments and humanitarian actors need to assist people requiring urgent food, nutritional and emergency support during the lean season. 政府和人道主义行动方需要在青黄不接时接济亟需食物、营养和其他紧急支持的民众。
55172 This can lead to herders losing their income as they can't sell their animals or buy what they need for them as well as potentially losing animals as some of them might not survive or might fall ill. 由于无法出售牲畜或购买必需品,游牧民可能会失去收入,而且由于部分牲畜可能无法存活或染上疫病,畜群数量也会下降。
55173 When animals suffer, people suffer. 牲畜遭难,牧民也难以幸免。
55174 When animals die or stop being a source of milk or meat, people go hungry. 一旦牲畜死亡,没有了牛奶或肉类的来源,牧民就会挨饿。
55175 When animals are lost, so are people's livelihoods. 没了牲畜,牧民也就没了生计。
55176 Farmers will also be affected by COVID-19 due to a lower supply of fertilizers and seeds, the closure of stores and markets, and reduced assistance. 由于新冠疫情导致肥料和种子供应减少,商店和市场关闭,援助缩水,农民也会受到影响。
55177 The pandemic - if it spreads further - will translate into increasing threats: from more displacements to less and less access to basic social services, higher food prices, less food.  如果疫情进一步蔓延,其威胁也将加剧:越来越多的人将无家可归,基本社会服务越来越得不到保障,粮食价格上涨,粮食供应减少。
55178 Are COVID-19's impacts on people's food security already being felt in West Africa? 问题3:疫情是否已经对西非地区的粮食安全产生了影响?
55179 Governments have taken measures such as physical distancing and closure of markets. 各国政府已采取遏制疫情的措施,如保持社交距离和关闭市场。