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55180 These will result in market disruptions, whether for traders or buyers. 这将导致市场无法正常运转,买卖双方均受影响。
55181 COVID-19's impacts are already seen in the pastoral areas. 疫情对牧区的影响已经显现。
55182 As most borders are closed, movements of herders and animals have been restricted.  由于大部分边境关闭,牧民和畜群的迁徙受到了限制。
55183 Although the pandemic's impact on primary products' prices are not yet discernible, the fact that many people are buying main commodities in bulk could lead to a temporary increase in costs and shortages, which will be difficult to manage as/if production drops. 尽管疫情对初级产品价格的影响尚不明显,但民众争相大量采购主要商品的做法有可能导致成本上涨和商品短缺现象暂时加剧,一旦或者如果产量下降,这一局面将很难把控。
55184 Transport is also already affected, which will impact on food and products' supply. 运输也已受到影响,会影响粮食和产品的供应。
55185 How is FAO responding? 问题4:粮农组织采取了哪些应对措施?
55186 As most of West Africa is already affected by other complex crises, our first priority is to safeguard and maintain our current emergency response, 由于西非大部分地区面临其他复杂危机,粮农组织的首要任务是保障和维持当前的应急响应措施,
55187 especially activities supporting the upcoming agricultural campaign, which will help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on food security. 特别是为即将到来的农业季提供支持,这将有助于减轻疫情对粮食安全的影响。
55188 Doing so will be particularly challenging given the operational difficulties due to the movement restrictions introduced by most countries. 鉴于多数国家出台了限制行动的措施,导致我们难以开展实地行动,粮农组织的援助工作面临特殊挑战。
55189 However, working closely with governments, the UN family, and partners, we are recalibrating and finding ways to deliver. 但是,我们正在与政府、联合国其他机构及合作伙伴密切合作,以重新调整安排并探索新的行动方式。