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55190 Our response across the region is only funded at 20 percent, however. 然而,我们在该地区的响应工作的供资仅到位20%。
55191 We urge donors and partners to ensure that the ongoing emergencies, on top of COVID-19, are not forgotten. 我们敦促捐助方及合作伙伴在应对新冠疫情的同时,也不要忘记支持其他应急行动。
55192 In response to COVID-19, FAO has been collecting information and carrying out analysis, at regional and country level, on the pandemic's likely consequences on agriculture and food security, which will feed into a global data facility. 为应对新冠疫情,粮农组织一直在区域和国家层面收集相关信息,并就疫情可能对农业和粮食安全造成的影响进行分析。
55193 This is informing the development of national and a regional strategies as well as country specific COVID-19 preparedness and response plans. 这些信息和分析结果被收录至全球数据库,能够为制定国家和区域战略,以及各国的具体防疫和响应计划提供参考。
55194 Several actions in these plans are already being implemented. 目前,这些计划中的部分行动已付诸实践。
55195 In Burkina Faso, FAO is launching a program, thanks to support from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), to provide immediate assistance to vulnerable households living in quarantine in urban and peri-urban areas so they can access healthy and nutritious food. 在布基纳法索,得益于联合国人道主义事务协调厅中央应急基金的支持,粮农组织正通过应急计划向城市和近郊地区被隔离的脆弱家庭提供即时援助,以便他们可以获取健康和有营养的食物。
55196 In Senegal, FAO is supporting government's efforts to fight the pandemic though awareness raising campaigns, particularly for actors along the food chain, to avoid a further spread of the pandemic. 在塞内加尔,为协助当地政府抗击疫情,粮农组织正在开展宣传工作,以提高各方,特别是粮食链参与方对疫情的认识,避免疫情进一步扩散。
55197 We will support small producers affected by trade disruptions, mostly women, to sell their produce, gain sufficient money and prepare for planting. 我们将支持受贸易中断影响的小型生产者(主要是妇女)出售产品,帮助他们获得足够的资金并为播种做好准备。
55198 And we will distribute cash and vouchers to pastoralists so they can feed their animals, and to reduce food waste and loss. 我们将向牧民分发现金和代金券,供他们购买饲料饲养畜群,还将开展行动减少食物浪费和损失。
55199 In the short-term, the priorities are: support vulnerable households affected by COVID-19 to access adequate food; 短期内,我们的首要措施包括:支持受疫情影响的脆弱家庭获得充足的食物;