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55200 ensure pastoralists have feed and water during the current dry season, and farmers have seeds to start planting; 确保牧民在当前旱季获得饲料和水源,确保农民拥有播种所需的种子;
55201 ensure social protection during the lean season; and maintain the markets and value chains functional so that people can buy the food they need, and at adequate prices. 确保在青黄不接时做好社会保障工作;维持市场和价值链的正常运作,使人们能够以合理价格购买所需的食物。
55202 FAO experts are also monitoring the Desert Locust situation, as there is some possibility of the pest's incursion into West Africa towards mid-year. 粮农组织专家还在监测沙漠蝗灾的情况,因为沙漠蝗虫可能会在年中入侵西非。
55203 What should governments do? 问题5:政府应该怎么做?
55204 FAO encourages countries to keep abreast and adapt their response plans to the consequences of the pandemic - as these become better known. 粮农组织鼓励各国跟踪疫情最新进展,更好地了解疫情可能造成的后果,并调整应对计划。
55205 What is crucial is to anticipate COVID-19's impacts on agriculture, food security and the lives of vulnerable women and children. 预判疫情可能对农业、粮食安全以及脆弱妇女和儿童的生活造成的影响至关重要。
55206 Ensuring that food systems and food supply chains are maintained is one of the most important action to take at national and regional levels. 确保粮食系统和粮食供应链维持正常运作是国家和区域层面的一项首要任务。
55207 On 16 April, all 55 member states of the African Union (AU) committed during a meeting by AU-FAO to supporting access to food and nutrition for Africa's most vulnerable; 4月16日,非洲联盟(非盟)55个成员国在由该非盟和粮农组织共同举办的一次会议上作出承诺:将帮助非洲最弱势人口获取食物和营养;
55208 providing social safety nets; 保障社会安全;
55209 minimizing disruptions to the safe movement and transport of essential people, and to the transport and marketing of goods and services; 尽量减少对必要人员安全流动和出行,以及对货物和服务运输与销售的干扰;