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55210 and keeping borders open for the food and agriculture trade.  确保非洲各国边境持续对粮食和农业贸易保持开放。
55211 This is a first, crucial step, and FAO is proud to have been part of this processes. 这是第一步,也是至关重要的一步,粮农组织为有幸参与这一进程而感到自豪。
55212 What are the biggest challenges for FAO's work if the pandemic worsens? 问题6:如果疫情恶化,粮农组织面临的最大挑战是什么?
55213 If the pandemic worsens, as many as 50 million more people could face a food crisis in the region. 如果疫情恶化,该地区可能会有高达五千万人陷入粮食危机。
55214 This is why we are scaling up our support through local partners and actors and finding innovative ways, such as online training and remote support, to increase their capacity. 因此,粮农组织正在通过本地合作伙伴和行动方扩大援助范围,并正在探索通过新方法(如在线培训和远程支持)提高各方能力。
55215 We learnt during the Ebola crisis that several activities can be carried out by integrating them into our regular work, whilst respecting additional measures such as health protocols. 应对埃博拉危机的经验告诉我们,我们可以将一些活动纳入常规工作,同时增加额外措施,例如卫生措施。
55216 FAO has activated business continuity plans across all the region with aim of ensuring the safety of its staff, partners and beneficiaries while maintaining activities running.  粮农组织已在整个地区启动了业务连续性计划,以便在维持各项工作的同时,确保工作人员、合作伙伴和受益人的安全。
55217 Anything else you would like to add? 问题7:您还有什么想要补充的吗?
55218 These are challenging times, but let's not forget that people in West Africa have proven to be resilient in the face of crises. 当前的形势十分严峻,但我们不应忘记西非人民在面对危机时所展现出的韧性。
55219 In fact, FAO's and many other agencies' global approach to COVID-19 is informed by lessons learned from the West Africa Ebola crisis. 事实上,新冠疫情期间,粮农组织和许多其他机构采取的全球应对措施均借鉴了西非埃博拉危机的经验教训。