ID 原文 译文
55300 the “looming existential threat of climate disruption”, “气候变化带来的迫在眉睫的生存威胁”,
55301 the only credible response is “brave, visionary and collaborative leadership” anchored in mutilateralism, 唯一可信的对策是发挥以多边主义为基础的“勇敢、有远见和协作的领导力”。
55302 And against the backdrop of threatened lives, crippled businesses and damaged economies, the UN chief warned the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also under threat. 他在向在德国柏林彼得斯贝格气候对话会议发表讲话时警告说,在生命受到威胁、企业瘫痪、经济受损的背景下,可持续发展目标也受到威胁。
55303 “The highest cost is the cost of doing nothing”, he spelled out, 他明确指出,“最高成本是无所作为的成本”,
55304 underscoring the need to urgently “strengthen resilience and 强调迫切需要“加强抵御能力,
55305 cut greenhouse gas emissions 减少温室气体排放,
55306 to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees” above pre-industrial levels, 将全球气温上升限制在比工业化前水平高1.5度的范围内,
55307 to mitigate climate change.  以缓解气候变化。
55308 Political will required 需要政治意愿
55309 Heartened by technology and public opinion, especially among the younger generations, he observed that many cities and businesses are taking action.、 古特雷斯注意到,受到科技和尤其是年轻一代中间所形成的公众舆论的鼓舞,许多城市和企业正在采取行动,、