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55310 “But we still lack the necessary political will”, he said, advocating for “significantly more ambition” on mitigation, adaptation and financing.  但仍然缺乏必要的政治意愿,需要在缓解、适应和融资方面树立更大的雄心。
55311 On mitigation, all countries must commit to carbon neutrality by 2050. 他指出,在减排方面,所有国家都必须承诺到2050年实现碳中和。
55312 And developing countries least responsible for climate change but most vulnerable to its impacts need resilience-building support. 发展中国家——对气候变化责任最小,但最容易受到其影响——需要复原力建设方面的支持。
55313 This requires adequate financing, beginning with a promised $100 billion dollars a year for mitigation and adaptation efforts, added Mr. Guterres. 他补充说,这需要充足的资金,首先是承诺将每年1000亿美元用于缓解和适应气候变化的努力。
55314 ‘Profound opportunity’ 巨大的机遇
55315 the Secretary-General said. 古特雷斯表示,
55316 In planning the coronavirus pandemic recovery, 在规划冠状病毒病大流行恢复行动时,
55317 there is “a profound opportunity” to steer the world on “a path that tackles climate change, 有“一个巨大的机会”来引导世界走上“一条解决气候变化、
55318 protects the environment, 保护环境、
55319 reverses biodiversity loss 扭转生物多样性丧失