ID 原文 译文
55340 “The key to tackling the climate crisis is the big emitters”, upheld Mr. Guterres.  古特雷斯坚持认为,“解决气候危机的关键是大排放国”。
55341 Noting that the world’s 20 leading economies collectively account for more than 80 per cent of global emissions and over 85 per cent of the global economy, 他表示,全球20个主要经济体合计占全球排放量的80%以上,占全球经济的85%以上,
55342 he flagged that “all of them must also commit to carbon neutrality by 2050”. 并指出,"所有这些经济体都必须承诺到2050年实现碳中和"。
55343 “Without the contribution of the big emitters, all our efforts risk to be doomed”, he conceded. 他承认,“没有大排放国的贡献,我们所有的努力都存在彻底失败的危险”。
55344 “Let us use the pandemic recovery to provide a foundation for a safe, healthy, inclusive and more resilient world for all people”. 他呼吁人们利用大流行病的复苏努力,为所有人建立一个安全、健康、包容和更有抗御力的世界奠定基础。
55345 开学复课!北京上海高中生返校 Chinese students return to class in Shanghai and Beijing after months-long coronavirus shutdown
55346 随着中国大城市逐渐恢复正常生活,上海和北京的数万名学生在4月27日返校开学。此前几个月,为遏制新冠病毒的传播,各城市实施了封锁措施。 Tens of thousands of students returned to school in Shanghai and Beijing on Monday (April 27) after months of closures intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus, as China's major cities gradually return to normality.
55347 上海的初三和高三学生重返课堂,而北京只有高三学生被允许重返校园,为至关重要的高考做准备。 Shanghai students in their final year of middle and high school returned to classrooms, while only high-school seniors in Beijing were allowed back on campus to prepare for the all-important "gaokao" university entrance exam.
55348 中国已经在很大程度上遏制了新冠病毒的传播,但随着人们对境外输入病例和东北地区城市第二波国内感染的担忧加剧,仍处于高度戒备状态。 China has largely curbed the spread of the deadly disease, but is still on high alert, with growing fears of imported cases and a second wave of domestic infections in the north-east.
55349 学生孟祥浩(音)说,他回到北京陈经纶中学高中部的第一天就采取了额外的预防措施。 Teenager Meng Xianghao said he was taking extra precautions on his first day back at Beijing's Chenjinglun High School.