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55360 他说:“我们不会再勾肩搭背了。” "We'll no longer put our arms around each other's shoulders," he said.
55361 17岁的学生王雨辰(音)说:“学校有一定的学习氛围,家里没有这种氛围。” "At school, there's a certain atmosphere for learning and at home, there is not," said Wang Yuchen, a 17-year-old student.
55362 中国在3月份表示,今年的高考将推迟一个月,延期至7月举行。 China said in March that it would postpone the exams by one month to July this year.
55363 5月,我国预计将集中迎来开学复课,教育系统将面临一场大考。 The estimated intensive classes resumption in May will be a big test for education authorities,
55364 王登峰强调指出,只有当疫情得到基本控制,并且采取了保护师生健康的防疫措施,学校才可以开学复课。 Wang underscored that schools are allowed to resume operation only when the epidemic is basically controlled and the epidemic prevention measures are adopted to protect the health of teachers and students on campus.
55365 王登峰说,教育部还要求在开学之前,每个学校都要制定应急预案,以应对病毒传播的风险。他提到,一些学校正在制定应急计划,一旦有人出现发热、咳嗽等症状,甚至出现确诊病例,会派专车送往医院。 The Ministry of Education also required schools to roll out contingency plans to cope with the risk of virus transmission before resuming classes, Wang said, noting that some schools are devising emergency response plans, demanding special vehicles to transfer people with symptoms including fever and cough or confirmed COVID-19 cases to hospitals.
55366 卫生防护中心公布今日没有新增2019冠状病毒病本地确诊个案 CHP announces no new local confirmed cases of COVID-19 today
55367 卫生署卫生防护中心公布,截至今日(四月二十九日)下午四时,中心没有录得新增2019冠状病毒病本地确诊个案,本港个案累计仍为1 038宗(包括1 037宗确诊个案和一宗疑似个案)。 The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health has announced that as of 4pm today (April 29), no new local confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been recorded, and that the number of cases in Hong Kong remains at 1 038 so far (comprising 1 037 confirmed cases and one probable case).
55368 此外,卫生防护中心正调查一宗海外确诊个案。 Meanwhile, the CHP is investigating an overseas confirmed case.
55369 个案涉及一名于英国确诊的32岁男病人,他由伦敦乘坐国泰航空CX252(经济舱)于四月二十八日抵港,随即直接由香港国际机场被送往东区尤德夫人那打素医院接受治疗,其呼吸道样本证实对严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2呈阳性反应,情况稳定。 The case involves a 32-year-old male patient confirmed positive with COVID-19 in the UK, who took flight CX252 (Economy class) by Cathay Pacific from London arriving in Hong Kong on April 28. He was transferred directly from Hong Kong International Airport to Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital for management immediately upon arrival. His respiratory sample had tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. He is in a stable condition.