ID 原文 译文
55397 由检疫中心送院;与个案993及1009有流行病学关连 Transferred from quarantine centre;Have epidemiological linkage with cases 993 and 1009
55398 病人入院情况为截至中午12时的资料,病人最新入院情况以医院管理局的资料为准。 Information on patient's admission is updated as of noon, please refer to the Hospital Authority's information for the latest situation.
55399 It comes amid unprecedented global shortages of critical supplies, skyrocketing prices and export bans, said Paul Molinaro, Chief, Operations Support and Logistics, WHO Health Emergencies Programme. 世卫组织突发卫生事件规划业务支持和后勤处处长莫利纳罗表示,全球面临空前的紧急物资短缺、货物价格飞涨和出口管制措施。
55400 “The demand has obviously increased in those markets 100 or 200 times normal demand”, he told journalists via video conference. 他在视频记者会上表示:“市场对这些物资的需求明显增加了,达到正常需求的100或200倍。
55401 “On the supply side we saw a lot of shutdowns in manufacturing, we saw a lot of export controls, we saw the international air transport system on which we’re quite dependent for the movement of cargo, gradually shut down, 在供应方面,制造业大量停产,出口管制增加,货运所需的国际航空运输系统逐渐关闭,
55402 so we’re at the point where we need to look for solutions to this.” 因此,我们需要寻找解决方案。”
55403 As part of the collective effort by the UN and public and private partners, a dedicated “COVID-19 Supply Portal” is set to launch within days, offering countries the opportunity to submit supply requests via a single platform. 作为联合国以及公共和私人合作伙伴共同努力的一部分,一个专门的“新冠疫情供应门户”网站将在几天之内启动,使各国有机会通过一个平台提交供应需求。
55404 This will enable the humanitarian supply chain system “to plan and coordinate allocation of critical supplies” to those 135 countries deemed to be most vulnerable, WHO said in a statement: 世卫组织在一份声明中说,这将使人道主义供应链系统得以“计划和协调向最脆弱的135个国家的关键的物资分配。
55405 “We need to streamline demand at country level to really look at the highest priority and to try and get the numbers to something manageable and coordinated,” Mr Molinaro said, highlighting the first of the initiative’s four priorities.  我们需要精简国家一级的需求,以真正关注最优先的事项并努力使需求量达到可管理和协调的水平。” 这是该倡议的四个优先事项中的第一步。
55406 “Step two is collaborative procurement amongst ourselves in the UN and some of our key partners in approaching the market together. 莫利纳罗表示,“第二步是联合国内部和一些关键合作伙伴之间协作进行采购,以共同开拓市场。