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55407 This gives us a bigger voice, particularly in a constrained market with a lot of intense competition”, he added.  这给了我们更大的话语权,尤其是在竞争激烈的受到抑制的市场中。
55408 “The third part is allocation process based on vulnerabilities and gaps and on critical needs. 第三部分是基于缺口和不足以及关键需求进行分配的过程。
55409 And then the fourth step in light of difficulties with transportation is to create a unified transport system, and this is something our partners are currently doing, particularly WFP.” 鉴于运输方面的困难,第四步是建立统一的运输系统,这是我们合作伙伴目前正在做的事情,特别是世界粮食计划署。”
55410 Focus moves to weaker health systems. Health workers in Guyana learn how to safely dress in personal protective equipment (PPE)., by PAHO/WHO Guyana 重点转移到薄弱的卫生系统。泛美卫生组织/世卫组织圭亚那办公室 圭亚那的卫生工作者学习了如何安全地穿着个人防护设备(PPE)。
55411 After raising the alarm earlier this year about the health threat posed by the new coronavirus that emerged in central China in December, the WHO announced that it was stepping up support to countries with beleaguered public health systems. 在今年早些时候对中国中部地区出现的新型冠状病毒造成的健康威胁发出警报后,世卫组织宣布将加大对公共卫生体系陷入困境的国家的支持。
55412 To date, it has distributed 1.1 million tests to 129 countries, and “we have another 1.5 million on the way”, Mr Molinaro said, noeting that the new supply chain initiative should secure a further nine million tests, which would be allocated as needed. 莫利纳罗表示,迄今为止,世卫组织已向129个国家/地区分发了110万套检测试剂,并且“还有150万套试剂正在分发中”。他指出新的供应链计划将确保另外900万套试剂到位,并将根据需要进行分配。
55413 In addition, partner agency UNICEF (the UN Children’s Fund) has shipped supplies to 44 countries including 1.2 million surgical masks, more than 320,000 respirators, 6.4 million surgical gloves and over 250,000 gowns. 此外,联合国儿童基金会已向44个国家运送了物资,包括120万个手术口罩,32万多副呼吸器,640万副手术手套和25万多套防护服。
55414 UNICEF has also shipped oxygen concentrators, basic surgical equipment, stethoscopes, medication and nutrition to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), along with personal protective equipment to Iran and Venezuela, and a 50-bed COVID-19 isolation and treatment unit to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. 儿基会还将氧气浓缩器,基本手术设备,听诊器,药物和营养品运往刚果民主共和国,并将个人防护设备运往伊朗和委内瑞拉,向孟加拉国考克斯巴扎尔地区其运送了配备50个床位的隔离和治疗装置。
55415 According to WHO, the taskforce aims to procure 75 million face masks, 50 million respirators, 28 million surgical gloves, 10 million face shields and three million goggles for distribution. 世界卫生组织表示,该工作队的目标是采购7500万个口罩,5000万个呼吸器,2800万副外科手术手套,1000万个面罩和300万副护目镜进行分发。
55416 Discussions are also ongoing with the Jack Ma Foundation for 100 million surgical masks and one million respirators, WHO said in a statement. 世卫组织在一份声明中说,该组织与马云基金会正在就捐助一亿个外科口罩和一百万个呼吸器进行讨论。