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55417 Border closures affecting aid deliveries 边境封锁影响了援助的提供
55418 The positive development comes amid concerns about border closures or delays which are already impacting aid deliveries, including at the border between Uganda and Kenya, WFP spokesperson Elisabeth Byrs said: “We are seeing long queues of trucks waiting, because... 世界粮食计划署发言人伊丽莎白·拜尔斯表示,边界关闭影响和延迟过境已经影响援助交付。
55419 some governments like Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda are taking the temperature of the truck drivers; this slows the delivery of food in the country.” 比如,肯尼亚和卢旺达边境正在测量卡车司机的体温。这减慢了该国的粮食运送速度。
55420 There are also concerns that frontier delays and protective trade measures may hamper life-saving immunization work. 还有人担心,延迟过境和贸易保护性措施可能会妨碍免疫工作。
55421 said Mr Molinaro. “We already see UNICEF vaccine shipments which are highly dependent on commercial air cargo, we do see those having been disrupted in the month of May - in the month of April sorry- 莫利纳罗表示: “联合国儿童基金会的疫苗运送工作高度依赖于商业航空货运,我们确实看到那些疫苗运输在4月份中断了,
55422 if this continues into May, there will be gaps in routine immunisation and also in campaigns against outbreaks of other diseases.” 如果这种情况持续到5月份,常规免疫接种和应对其他疾病暴发的活动将出现空白。”
55423 Asked about distribution of supplies to Latin American countries, the WHO official replied that although there may have been some “ the beginning” when the caseload wasn’t high, 关于向拉丁美洲国家分发物资的问题,莫利纳罗表示,尽管刚开始时可能面临一些困难,
55424 “the situation has changed and as mentioned, we’re in the process of now planning that the next acquisitions and batch volumes we get, at least in PPE, will be making their way in that direction, certainly.” 但情况已经发生变化,我们正在计划进行下一次采购和批量生产,至少是在个人防护设备方面,肯定会朝着这个方向发展。”
55425 Moving forward, the COVID-19 taskforce’s strategy is to “speak up for those countries that don’t have the means to access life-saving supplies”, WHO said. 世卫组织说,面对未来,新冠疫情工作队的战略是“为那些没有能力获得救生用品的国家大声疾呼”。
55426 In a related development, the World Food Programme (WFP) issued an alert about a potentially massive spike in global food insecurity in East African nations and the Horn of Africa, as a direct result of the pandemic. 此外,世界粮食计划署(WFP)警告说,大流行的直接结果是东非国家和非洲之角的粮食不安全状况可能急剧上升。