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55427 “WFP estimates that 20 million people are now food insecure in many countries in the region. Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Djibouti and Eritrea,” said WFP spokesperson Elisabeth Byrs. 世界粮食计划署估计,该地区许多国家目前有2000万人没有粮食保障,包括埃塞俄比亚、南苏丹、肯尼亚、索马里、乌干达、卢旺达、布隆迪、吉布提和厄立特里亚。
55428 “We have done projections about the situation there, about the number of food insecure people, and this number is likely to increase to 34 million up to 41 million during the next three months, due to the social-economic impact of COVID-19.” 该组织预测,由于疫情造成的社会经济影响,在未来三个月中,这一数字可能会增加到3400万人,甚至4100万人。
55434 2 周内有疾病流行地区居住或旅行史人员如何返岗? 2週間以内に感染流行地域に滞在歴あるいは旅行歴がある人の仕事の再開について
55436 从离开疾病流行地区的时间开始,进行自我健康状况监测14 天。 感染流行地域を離れた日から、自身で健康状況を14日間観察してください。
55464 Le Yucheng: First of all, it's my pleasure to do this interview with you. It is my first interview with a foreign media during this COVID-19 situation. 乐:很高兴接受你的采访,这是我在新冠肺炎疫情暴发后第一次接受外国媒体采访。
55465 I worked in New York for nearly four years, and I feel really sad when I see the once bustling Times Square, Broadway and Fifth Avenue have become so empty these days. 我在美国纽约工作过近四年,看到曾经热闹喧嚣的时代广场、百老汇、第五大道如今空空荡荡,我真的感到很难过。
55466 So I want to take this opportunity to convey through NBC my heartfelt sympathies to the Americans and New Yorkers when they are in the fierce fight against the virus. 我谨借此机会,通过NBC向正在与疫情战斗的美国人民、特别是纽约人民表达深切慰问。
55467 This morning, I woke up to learn from the news that the US has nearly one million COVID-19 cases. I feel very sad to know this. 今天一早,我从新闻中得知,美国新冠病毒感染者已接近100 万,令人痛心。
55468 Now at this critical and trying moment, China and the US must put aside all the differences, all the disagreements, just forget them, and join hands to confront our common enemy, the virus. 在当前抗击疫情的关键时刻,中美两国应当搁置争议和分歧,携手应对共同的敌人——新型冠状病毒。
55469 I believe that together we will win and together we will make a big difference for the world. 我相信,只有团结合作,我们才能共赢,才能改变世界。