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55470 Janis Frayer: To follow your opening remarks, do you believe we are now in a situation where the virus has become too politicized? 马:接着您的开场白,我的第一个问题是,您现在是否觉得疫情这个问题已经被政治化了?
55471 Le Yucheng: Unfortunately, some politicians have gravely politicized the COVID-19 issue. This is not something we want to see. 乐:很不幸,现在有些政客把新冠肺炎疫情这个问题极大地政治化了,这是我们不愿意看到的。
55472 Under the current circumstances, it is the time for solidarity, for working together to combat the virus and tide over the difficulties. It is not a time for accusation and political manipulation. 当前形势下,我们应该团结一心,共抗疫情,共克时艰,而不是相互指责,去搞政治操弄。
55473 Janis Frayer: This is a time when people are calling for transparency on all sides. Can you take us back to the beginning of the time line here in China, 马:现在大家都在呼吁各方提高透明度,能否详细介绍中国在抗击疫情之初的时间线?
55474 the early days of when the cases were first being acknowledged by the CDC officials in Wuhan to when the lock down happened in Wuhan. What was happening within China's government during that period? 从最早武汉疾控中心通报第1起病例,直到武汉被封城的这段时间,中国政府采取了哪些举措?
55475 Le Yucheng: China has been open, transparent and responsible in its COVID-19 response. 乐:中国的抗疫举措是公开、透明、负责任的。
55476 We did not cover up anything, and did not delay any efforts. 中国没有任何隐瞒疫情的行为,也没有任何的延误。
55477 We have already publicized the time line of how we have shared the information on COVID-19. 我们已经全面公布了疫情通报的时间线。
55478 I would like to highlight three important points in time: First, 3 January. Starting from then, China has been updating the WHO and relevant countries, including the United States, about COVID-19 on a regular basis. 我想强调三个时间点:一是2020年1月3日,中方开始定期向世界卫生组织以及美国等国家主动通报疫情信息。
55479 On the following day, the heads of CDCs of China and the United States touched base with each other. 之后第2天,中美两国疾控中心负责人就进行了沟通。