ID 原文 译文
55480 The second one was 12 January. China timely shared with the world the whole genome sequencing of the coronavirus, which has been critical for diagnosis, treatment and vaccine development in relevant countries. 二是1月12日,中国及时向世界公布了新型冠状病毒全基因组序列,为有关国家确诊、治疗及疫苗研发等提供了重要前提。
55481 The third one was 23 January. We put Wuhan, a city of over 10 million people, under quarantine. 三是1月23日,武汉实施前所未有的“封城”,将一个1000多万人口的城市“封控”起来。
55482 That was a momentous decision that was unseen before in our history. It was a massive action that has caught the world's attention. 这是一个惊天动地、举世皆知的行动。
55483 The US government should have become fully aware of the severity of the issue. If it were anything less serious, how could we lock down an entire city? 美国政府那时候就应该很清楚病毒问题的严重性,否则我们怎么会“封城”?  
55484 As for the early stage of China's COVID-19 response, we invited a WHO-led joint expert mission for a field visit in China, which included two US medical experts. 关于中国的早期疫情应对,我们已邀请世卫组织专家组来中国考察过,其中包括两位美国专家。
55485 The group went to Beijing, Guangzhou, Sichuan and Hubei. Following the visit, it released a comprehensive report which gives full recognition to China's response efforts. 他们去了北京、广东、四川和湖北进行实地调研,并提交了全面报告,高度评价中国的应对举措。
55486 President Trump himself, during his phone call with President Xi Jinping and in his tweets, spoke highly of China's transparency and response efforts. He said that the data China shared was helpful for the US in COVID-19 response. 特朗普总统在同习近平主席通电话时以及在他的推特中,都高度肯定中国抗疫努力和透明度,认为中国提供的数据对美国很有帮助。
55487 Janis Frayer: The US intelligence has suggested that China has artificially lowered the case numbers and the deaths and there were multiple revisions to the way that China was counting for coronavirus cases. 马:美国情报部门多次对中国通报的数据表示质疑。他们说中国几次调整了确诊病例和死亡病例的数据。
55488 So is it understandable that there is some skepticism about the numbers that China has been reporting and whether they are real? 那么中国到底有没有把数据报低了,这样的猜疑是否有依据?
55489 Le Yucheng: You mentioned US intelligence services. As is known to all, for more than once what they said caused disasters to the world. 乐:你刚才提到的美国情报部门,众所周知他们的情报已多次给世界造成灾难。