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55490 It was the US intelligence which claimed that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction", yet till this day those weapons are nowhere to be found. 当年他们说伊拉克拥有“大规模杀伤性武器”,到现在也没有找到。
55491 China has been open, transparent, with good faith, and truthful when it comes to the release of data. We bear in mind our responsibility to history, to the people and to the lives lost to COVID-19. 中方公布数据公开、透明、坦诚、真实,始终本着对历史负责、对人民负责、对逝者负责的原则,经得起检验。
55492 It is literally impossible to hide anything.There is no need for cover-ups. This is all about real people. 我们没必要去隐瞒,这些数据的背后是实实在在的人,是无论如何也隐瞒不了的。
55493 On the contrary, some countries once said that COVID-19 was just a common flu, and in fact that is cover-up. 相反,有的国家把新冠肺炎说成是流感,这才是隐瞒。
55494 Now we are restoring economic activities across the board and have lifted travel restrictions on Wuhan. How could we have been confident in so doing if the case numbers were artificially lowered and not real? 当前,中国正在全面实现复工复产,武汉已经解封,假如数字不实,我们敢这样做吗?
55495 The revision of the case numbers was done out of a sense of responsibility.It is also a common international practice. 我们对数据进行修订,正是体现了负责任的态度,这也是国际通常做法。
55496 To my knowledge, New York also revised its local case numbers recently. 据我所知,纽约前不久也进行了数据修订。
55497 Challenging the truthfulness of the numbers of confirmed and fatal cases China has reported is highly disrespectful to the 1.4 billion Chinese people, especially millions of Chinese medical workers. 质疑中国的确诊和死亡病例数,是对14亿中国人民,特别是数百万医护人员的极大不尊重!
55498 The numbers we have released point only to the effectiveness of China's response efforts. What they reflect is China's experience, not China's cover-ups. 这些数字恰恰说明我们应对得当,反映的是“中国经验”,而不是“中国隐瞒”。
55499 Janis Frayer: So Americans can be one hundred percent confident in the numbers? 马:那么美国人民是否能对中国公布的数据100%有信心?