ID 原文 译文
55500 Le Yucheng: Yes, absolutely. 乐:完全可以。
55501 Janis Frayer: There are a lot of questions that are swirling about the origin of the virus.A lot of theories about the origin of the virus. 马:现在关于病毒的起源有一些猜测,也有各种各样的论调,
55502 How willing is China to allow an independent international investigation into where and how the coronavirus started? 中国是否允许独立的国际调查组到中国实地考察,研究病毒的来源?
55503 Le Yucheng: Some say that, for thousands of years, mankind has been battling against all kinds of viruses, but never seems to be able to claim an ultimate victory. 乐:有人说,人类千百年来,一直在同病毒作斗争,但从未真正战胜过病毒。
55504 Viruses can be really cunning. 病毒是很狡猾的。
55505 Their source is a serious and complex matter of science that must be studied by scientists and medical experts. 病毒源头是个严肃而复杂的科学问题,需要由科学家和医学专家去研究。
55506 Something strange now is that a few political figures, who supposedly are economists and intelligence people, are giving sensational accounts of the source of COVID-19. 但现在有个奇怪的现象,有些政客是搞经济的或是搞情报出身的,但谈起病毒溯源问题却绘声绘色。
55507 It is widely confirmed by experts that COVID-19 is not from labs. 明明真正的专家们都不认同新冠病毒源自实验室,
55508 But some politicians are so insistent on the assertion of COVID-19 coming from a lab in Wuhan. Don't you think this is preposterous? 但有些政客却一口咬定,还振振有词地说病毒来自武汉的实验室,这不是很可笑吗?
55509 A joint statement by 27 professional experts published at the Lancet, a world-class medical journal, also reaffirms that COVID-19 has a natural origin, and is not artificially synthesized. 世界顶级医学杂志《柳叶刀》上刊登权威专家的联合声明,指出新冠病毒来源于大自然,而非人工合成。