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55510 We need to listen to experts, rather than politicians. 我们要相信专家,而不是政客。
55511 We need to respect science and refrain from resorting to conspiracy theories. 我们应该尊重科学,而不是去搞阴谋论。
55512 We are candid, and we are open. We support professional exchanges between scientists, including exchanges for reviewing and summarizing experiences. 关于国际调查,我们是坦诚、开放的,支持科学家之间开展科研交流,包括总结经验教训。
55513 What we oppose, however, is unfounded charges against China. One should not accuse China first and then run so-called international investigations just to make up the evidence. 我们反对的是在没有任何证据的情况下,把中国放在被告席上,事先推定有罪,然后通过所谓国际调查来寻找证据。
55514 This is arbitrary investigation based on the presumption of guilt. That is what we firmly oppose. 这种有罪推定式的国际调查我们坚决反对。
55515 As I said just now, the WHO-led expert group visited Wuhan timely. 刚才我提到,世卫组织专家组已第一时间到武汉考察。
55516 As for the Wuhan Institute of Virology, it is open to international communication. Ever since its establishment, it has received visits by many international scientists, including those from the United States. 武汉病毒研究所也是开放的,自成立以来已接待过包括美国在内的各国科学家。
55517 Just recently, the head of the Institute took an interview with a foreign media, and made it clear that the Institute has neither the intention nor the capacity to engineer any kind of virus. 日前,武汉病毒研究所所长还接受了外国媒体采访,他说武汉病毒研究所既没有意愿也没有能力制造病毒。
55518 Janis Frayer: But could a science-based investigation satisfy some of these questions and expectations we have apparently on China's part? And perhaps help countries that are still currently fighting COVID-19, help them adapt their responses in real time? 马:请问中方有没有可能同意开展以科学为依据的调查,回应外界对中国透明度的关切,而且这样的调查,是不是也能帮助其他国家更有效地应对疫情?
55519 Le Yucheng: The international investigation, if there is any, should have a solid basis. 乐:开展国际调查要有依据。