ID 原文 译文
55520 Why is this investigation only targeted at China? Is there any evidence to show that China does have problems? Why isn't there any investigation of other countries? 为什么这个调查只针对中国?有什么证据表明中国存在问题?为什么不去其他国家开展调查?
55521 Even for the sake of reviewing for improvement, then science-wise, don't those countries with rapid spread and surge of confirmed and fatal cases have their own problems? 如果要反思,从科学角度看,有的国家出现那么多确诊病例、死亡病例和扩散病例,这其中难道没有问题吗?
55522 We oppose politically-driven investigation for the purpose of stigmatizing China. 我们反对把国际调查政治化、对中国搞污名化。
55523 Janis Frayer: There have been some state media that have reported this theory that the virus was actually linked to the US military. 马:我们听到有媒体报道说,病毒起源可能跟美国军方有关。
55524 And this is a theory that was amplified on social media by Chinese embassies, some Chinese ambassadors. Is this an official Chinese position? 这种说法在中国的社交媒体,包括中国官方的社交媒体账户上广为流传。请问这是中国官方观点吗?
55525 Le Yucheng: Chinese government officials, the general public and individual citizens are outraged as some US political figures are using COVID-19 to slander China. 乐:在中国,不管是官方、民众还是个人,都对美国一些政客借疫情肆意诋毁中国感到愤怒,可以说义愤填膺。
55526 They are entitled to express their feelings, to question and rebut those slanders by various means. 他们有权利通过各种方式表达自己的义愤,提出质疑和反驳。
55527 Here in China, business leaders, customs officials and diplomats are working so hard and around the clock these days to produce and pool together supplies for COVID-19 response in the US. 中国的企业家、海关人员、外交人员等每天辛辛苦苦、加班加点设法为美方抗疫生产和筹措医疗物资。
55528 But what we have heard all the time is bashing and slandering against China by some US politicians. 而我们听到的、看到的却是美国一些高官政客对中国的谩骂和诋毁。
55529 Try to put yourself in our shoes: how would you feel if you were the Chinese people? Even worse, a Republican campaign memo goes so far as to advise the candidates to address COVID-19 issues by directly attacking China. 你们想想,我们中国人是什么感受?更有甚者,美国共和党的内部竞选指南里,竟然提示候选人在被问及疫情问题时直接攻击中国。