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55530 Such flagrant moves have taken political manipulation to a level beyond anyone's imagination. 这种政治操弄已经到了赤裸裸、无底线的地步。
55531 Of course the Chinese people find them unacceptable, and have every right to express their outrage. 对此中国人心里没法接受,当然要表达愤怒。
55532 Le Yucheng: Are you suggesting an international investigation on the relevant disinformation? China's position is clear. 乐:你觉得应该对有关假消息搞国际调查吗?中方的立场很清楚。
55533 This virus is cunning, and its source is a complex issue that has to be addressed by scientists rather than politicians. 因为病毒很狡猾,应该由科学家和医学专家去解开这个谜,而不是由政客来做。 
55534 Janis Frayer: You started our conversation talking about your time living in the US and being very concerned for friends who are there. What is your view on how the US has handled the pandemic? 马:您刚才提到曾在美国工作过一段时间,请问您如何看待美国处理新冠肺炎疫情的方式?
55535 Le Yucheng: I don't want to comment on the COVID-19 response in the US, otherwise I would run the risk of "interfering in US domestic politics". 乐:美国国内的事我这儿就不说了,说了有“干涉内政” 之嫌。
55536 But since you raised this question, I would like to put forward to the US government this suggestion: better find the real enemy in the future. 但既然你问我,我想给美国政府提一个建议,就是今后美国一定要找准,谁是真正的敌人。
55537 The National Security Strategy that the US issued at the end of 2017 described China as a "strategic competitor". Some in the US used that as a basis to paint China as an enemy, clamoring for a whole-of-government and multi-pronged posture against China. 2017年底美国《国家安全战略报告》将中国定义为“战略竞争者”,有些人据此将中国视为敌人,并拉开架势要全政府、全方位对付中国。
55538 What has turned out to be now is that the true enemy of the US is COVID-19, not China. The virus has claimed 56,000 lives in the US. 但现在发现,真正对美国构成威胁、迄今已夺走56000多美国人性命的是病毒,不是中国。
55539 China is a partner fighting the virus alongside the US. 中国是美国抗击疫情的战友和伙伴。