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55540 If the US had taken the virus and other non-traditional security threats as its major enemies since 2017, things might have been different today in the US and beyond. 如果美国在2017年将病毒等非传统安全挑战作为主要敌人来应对,那美国和世界可能就不会是今天这个样子。
55541 It reminds me of one famous saying from Chairman Mao Zedong: a first-order question in revolution is to discern the true enemies and true friends. 我想起毛泽东主席的一句话:谁是我们的敌人,谁是我们的朋友,这是革命的首要问题。
55542 I hope that in the future, the United States will identify the true enemy with greater precision, and will not mistake partners as opponents again. 我希望美国今后要找准真正的敌人,不要再错把战友当对手。
55543 Janis Frayer: Is China willing to accept a degree of responsibility for how the virus spread and how it became a global pandemic? This is certainly a question on the minds of a lot of Americans, not just politicians. 马:现在很多美国人,不仅仅是美国政客,都在思考中国是否应该在一定程度上为病毒扩散成全球大流行病负一定的责任?
55544 Le Yucheng: I must first correct your framing of the question. COVID-19 was not caused by China. It is a natural disaster.China is a victim, not an accomplice to it. 乐:我首先要纠正一下,中国没有造成疫情,疫情是天灾,中国也是病毒的受害者,而不是病毒的同谋。
55545 China has contributed to the global efforts against COVID-19, and has been a partner of the world along the way. 中国是国际抗疫合作的贡献者、合作者。
55546 A virus can come and go without any trace. It can appear in any place in the world. 病毒神出鬼没,可能出现在任何地方。
55547 Holding China accountable for the spread of COVID-19, or even demanding reparations from China, is a preposterous political farce. 向中国追责、赔偿纯粹是荒唐的政治闹剧。
55548 It has no legal basis. 首先于法无据。
55549 These is no international law that supports blaming a country simply for being the first to report a disease. 国际上没有哪条法律支持向首先报告疫情的国家追责,