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55550 Neither does history offer any such precedent. 历史上也没有这样的先例。
55551 Second, it runs counter to common sense. 其次于理不通。
55552 China was among the countries hit by the first wave of COVID-19. China has suffered enormous losses and made big sacrifices in curbing the virus. 中国遭到疫情第一波冲击,付出巨大代价和牺牲遏制疫情,
55553 We have gathered important experience, gained precious time and made a big contribution for the world's battle against the virus. What China deserves is fair recognition, not groundless accusation. 为全球抗疫赢得了时间,积累了宝贵经验,作出了巨大贡献,应该得到公正对待而不是责难。
55554 The unreasonable and legally unfounded demand for China's reparations is not different from blackmail. 既然要中国赔偿既不合理也不合法,那同不法之徒敲诈勒索有什么区别?
55555 The intention is nothing but shifting blame to China for the inadequate response of someone else. Blame game finds little support, and ends up nowhere. 要中国赔偿无非是想把自身抗疫不力的责任转嫁到中国身上,这种“甩锅”把戏不得人心,也不可能得逞。
55556 Janis Frayer: With an increasingly negative view of China in the United States given this extraordinary situation, 马:当前,尤其是在新冠肺炎疫情期间,美国对华看法日趋负面。
55557 with it now appearing as though President Trump is molding part of his re-election campaign along an "Anti- or Blame China" strategy, 特朗普总统在竞选时,似乎越来越多地在责难中国。
55558 what is your outlook for US-China relations, particularly in an election year? 在此背景下,您如何看待美中关系前景?
55559 Le Yucheng: Inside the United States, there are some negative views or comments with regard to China. 乐:美国国内的确有一些对华负面论调。