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55560 But I also know that many Americans with fair judgment are calling for more cooperation with China. They oppose decoupling and a new Cold War. 与此同时,很多有识之士都在呼吁中美要加强合作,反对“脱钩”和“新冷战”。
55561 The China-US relationship, being such an important relationship between two major countries, should not be defined or handled in a way that serves only the purpose of one election. 我们始终认为不能用一次选举来定义和处理如此重要的一组大国关系,
55562 Nor should election be used as an excuse to shift groundless blame to China, undermine China-US cooperation, or pit the two peoples against each other. 更不应为了大选“甩锅”中国,破坏两国合作,造成两国人民对立。
55563 That is simply shortsighted and irresponsible. 这样做极其短视,也不负责任。
55564 Whatever differences or disagreements between China and the US, they look pale when we consider the well-being of the Chinese and American peoples and their shared aspiration for a better future. 中美之间矛盾分歧再大,也大不过两国人民的福祉和对美好未来的追求。
55565 Our two countries, China and the United States, can and should engage in cooperation. 中美完全可以开展合作。
55566 The United States is making America great again, and China is pursuing national rejuvenation. 美国提出“让美国再次伟大”,中国要实现“中华民族伟大复兴”的目标,
55567 These are two historical processes that could run hand in hand without conflicting each other. China and the US are actually in a good position to help each other succeed and achieve greatness together. 这两个历史进程完全可以并行不悖,中美完全可以相互成就,实现共同“伟大”。
55568 We must not let this relationship be led astray or brought to a wrong course by a small bunch of extreme forces. At stake is the future of our two peoples. 我们要有这个智慧和信心。千万不要被极端势力带偏方向,带错节奏,葬送两国人民的前途命运。
55569 Looking ahead, I think the two countries must first of all work together to advance a relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability, which is an important common understanding reached between the two presidents. 对于下一步中美关系发展,我认为,双方首先要落实两国元首达成的共识,共同推进以协调、合作、稳定为基调的中美关系。