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511 六是尽量避免聚餐和到人员密集的公共场所活动,尤其是空气流动性差的地方,如影剧院、酒吧、网吧、商场、车站、码头、展览馆、博物馆、公共浴池、温泉等。 Sixth, avoid dinner parties and activities in crowded public places, especially places with poor air flow, such as theaters, bars, internet cafes, shopping malls, stations, docks, exhibition halls, museums, public baths, hot springs, etc. 
512 七是不随地吐痰,打喷嚏或咳嗽时用手肘或纸巾遮住,不要用手接触口鼻眼。 Seventh, avoid spitting anywhere, use elbows or paper towels to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with hands.
513 口鼻分泌物或吐痰时用纸巾包好,弃置于有盖垃圾箱内。 Wrap nasal and oral secretions or spits with paper towels and dispose of them in covered dustbins. 
514 八是如与他人合租住所或借住在别人家里,要观察有关人员有无发热、就诊等异常情况。  Eighth, if you share a room with others or live in other people’s home, you need to observe whether the relevant personnel are running a fever, receiving medical treatment or having other abnormal conditions.
515 4.若出现发热、干咳等症状,不要带病工作、学习,佩戴一次性医用口罩,请及时就近在当地医疗机构进行诊疗,并告知医务人员相关接触史。 4.If you have a fever, dry cough and other symptoms, please stop working or studying immediately. You should wear a mask, seek medical treatment at the nearest medical institution, and inform the medical personnel of your relevant contact history.
516 就诊期间尽量不要触摸就诊环境中的相关物品,尽量避免下意识地触摸自己的口、鼻及眼部。 During the treatment, avoid touching articles in the clinic, and avoid subconsciously touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
517 5.在疫情流行期间,不要恐慌,除非必要,尽可能不要外出旅行,严格按照当地及我国驻外使馆的相关建议和要求进行国际旅行。 5.During the COVID-19 outbreak period, please keep calm, and do not travel unless it’s necessary. Please make international travels in strict accordance with the relevant recommendations and requirements of local authorities and Chinese embassies.
518 如果成为新冠肺炎病例的密切接触者,应取消旅行或旅游安排,就地进行隔离医学观察。 If you have been a close contact of COVID-19 cases, you should cancel travel and conduct isolated medical observation on site.
519 世界卫生组织已将新冠肺炎疫情全球风险级别上调为“非常高”。 The World Health Organization has raised the global risk assessment level of COVID-19 to “very high”.
520 因此需要每个国家、每个人共同携手,努力抗击疫情。 Therefore, it is necessary for every country and every person to work together to fight against the epidemic.