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55570 Specifically, the two sides should move forward in three areas and reject three ill-tendencies. We need to step forward to: 具体来讲要做到“三要”、“三不要”。
55571 first, maintain frequent communication between our leaders as well as dialogue and coordination between the relevant departments on both sides; 即一要保持两国领导人经常沟通和两国有关部门的对话和协调;
55572 second, advance practical cooperation in all areas; 二要深化双方各领域务实合作;
55573 and third, promote international cooperation on COVID-19 at multilateral platforms. 三要加强两国在多边领域的国际抗疫合作。
55574 At the same time, we must reject: No.1, stigmatizing China and politicizing the virus issue; “三不要”就是不要对中国搞污名化、把疫情政治化;
55575 No.2, disruptions or damage to bilateral cooperation; 不要人为破坏、干扰两国合作大局;
55576 and No.3, a zero-sum game in the context of COVID-19. 不要借疫情搞零和竞争。
55577 Janis Frayer: The US has, or President Trump, has said that he's going to withdraw funding to the World Health Organization in large part because what is seen as the organization's deference to China, that the WHO is too pro-Beijing. How will China respond to those accusations. 马:特朗普总统宣布暂停对世界卫生组织的资金支持,这很大程度上是因为世卫组织和中国走得近,中方对此有何回应?
55578 Le Yucheng: The WHO has done a great job in living up to its duties and responsibilities. It is very professional, very responsible and highly efficient. 乐:世卫组织很好地履行了自身职责,表现得很专业、务实、高效。
55579 It does not center around any particular country. It is devoted to protecting lives and health of mankind. Its performance has been widely applauded by the international community. 它不以任何一个国家为中心,而是以人类的健康和生命为中心,得到国际社会广泛好评和赞赏。