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55580 Besides the United States, I have not heard any leaders and any international organizations criticizing WHO's performance. 除了美国,我没听说有哪个国家的领导人、或是哪个国际组织对世卫组织有什么不满。
55581 The US decision to halt financial contribution to the WHO is not a wise one. 美国暂停向世卫组织供资是不理智的。
55582 At this critical moment, what the US needs to do is to focus on combating the virus, instead of opening fire at the WHO which is coordinating the international efforts in fighting the virus. 在当前抗疫战争的关键时刻,美国应该集中力量抗疫,而不是将炮火对准世卫组织这样一个协调国际抗疫斗争的机构。
55583 By so doing, the United States actually has chosen to pit itself against the whole world. Such moves will only undermine WHO's efforts to coordinate the international response and save lives, 美国政府这么做,实际上是站到了全世界的对立面,而且还会对世卫组织协调全球抗疫行动、挽救生命的努力,
55584 especially the response in developing countries, African countries in particular. 特别是对非洲等发展中国家抗疫斗争造成严重干扰和破坏。
55585 I don't understand what logic the US is following. 我不知道美方遵循的是什么逻辑。 
55586 Janis Frayer: Are you satisfied, is China satisfied with its response to the outbreak here, to the epidemic in China and to the pandemic that's spread around the world? 马:在疫情全球蔓延的背景下,中方对于过去几个月本国抗疫努力是否感到满意?
55587 Le Yucheng: China has gone through a lot in the past months, 乐:过去几个月,中国经历了非常困难的阶段。
55588 and has finally stemmed the spread,along the way, considerable experience has been accumulated. 我们成功遏制住了疫情,积累了不少经验:
55589 First, we have put people's lives front and center. 一是以人为本、生命至上。