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55590 We have adopted a people-centered approach.We spared no efforts and no resources in saving lives, without worrying too much about economic cost. 为了挽救生命,我们不计成本、不惜代价,甚至也没太多考虑经济损失。
55591 If lives are lost, what's the point of money? We have always taken saving lives our utmost priority. 人都没了,钱还有什么用?我们始终将挽救生命放在第一位。
55592 In Wuhan, for instance, more than 10 COVID-19 patients over 100 years old were cured. 在武汉,我们甚至挽救了10多位百岁以上的老人。
55593 Second, as a nation we looked out for each other. 二是守望相助,一方有难,八方支援。
55594 Nationwide, more than 40,000 health workers were rallied and sent to support the battle against COVID-19 in Wuhan. 武汉是这次疫情的“震中”,全国各地汇集了4万多医护人员驰援武汉。
55595 Third, we actively engaged in international cooperation. 三是积极开展国际合作,
55596 Receiving help from other countries, we have also managed to help others. 我们向世界驰援,同时也得到了国际援助。
55597 China has provided to the world an astronomical number of protective equipment, including over 20 billion masks, and billions of protective suits and protective goggles. 中国给世界提供了各类天文数字的防护物资,其中口罩就有200多亿只,防护服、护目镜等也有几十亿个。
55598 We also gained much experience in the fight against COVID-19. 从这次疫情防控中我们也学到了很多经验。
55599 We adopted proven practices such as early detection, early reporting, early quarantine, and early treatment. We combined traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine in therapeutics. We mobilized nationwide joint containment and control efforts. 在医疗方面,我们采取“四早四集中”、中西医结合、联防联控等举措,