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55600 These measures have proved effective and enabled us to control the situation, save lives, achieve a cure rate of 93.5%, and now restore economic activities. 有效控制了疫情,挽救了生命,治愈率达到93.5%。 现在我们开始复工复产,应 该说得益于这些有效的举措。 
55601 Of course, COVID-19 has also exposed the areas where we need to improve. 当然,这次疫情也暴露了我们的一些短板。
55602 For example, this unprecedented situation reveals to us that we need to ramp up our medical teams and medical supplies reserve. 比如,面对这场前所未有的疫情,我们的医疗专家和物资的战略储备不足、
55603 Our community-level medical agencies shall be better equipped. 基层防治机构基础设施建设滞后、
55604 Our R&D capacity for the therapeutics for some major diseases must be further enhanced. 部分重大疾病治疗药物自主研发能力薄弱、
55605 We also need to improve public education on hygiene, disease preparedness, etc. 公共卫生教育的普及以及人们防控的意识还不够强等等。
55606 All in all, we will improve our work, build up the institutions and mechanisms for infectious disease containment and enhance public health emergency response. 所以,我们要不断改进工作,不断完善重大疫情防控体制机制,健全国家公共卫生应急管理体系。
55607 Mankind has emerged stronger from the battles against the scourge of diseases, from smallpox, to the Black Death, to Ebola, to H1N1 flu. Each of these diseases has left mankind with valuable experiences. 人类就是在同各种疾病灾难的抗争中成长发展起来的。天花、黑死病、埃博拉、H1N1流感等等,每一场重大流行病都给人类留下宝贵经验和教训。
55608 Janis Frayer: Given the criticism coming from many quarters of the world that there was a slow response in the beginning, that there was information from whistle-blowers that was ignored or suppressed, that there was a slower response to what was recognized as potential for a pandemic, 马:国际上有批评声音说,中国一开始应对疫情时反应慢了,特别是对“吹哨人”噤声,并在他们发声后中方反应也不够及时。
55609 how do you then go about reassuring the international community that there have been lessons learned from this epidemic? 请问中方如何让国际社会相信已从疫情应对中汲取了教训?