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55610 Le Yucheng: I think in comparison with some countries, China was fairly fast in responding to COVID-19, especially given the fact that China was among the countries hit by the first wave of COVID-19. 乐:我觉得比起有些国家,中国的反应是相当迅速的了,尤其考虑到我们是第一波遭到疫情冲击。
55611 Let me give you an example. On 23 January when Wuhan went under lockdown, the United States reported only one case. 我可以举个例子, 1月23日武汉“封城”的时候,美国只有一个病例。
55612 But on 13 March when a national emergency was announced, the United States reported over 1,600 confirmed cases. 3月13 日美国宣布进入国家紧急状态时,确诊病例达到1600多例。
55613 There are quite a number of US experts working in the WHO, and the US government was fully aware of the situation. 世卫组织中有很多美国专家,美国政府完全了解疫情情况。
55614 And there are as many as 50 days of interval. How could anyone blame China? Where have those 50 days gone? 但这期间相隔整整50多天,这能怪中国反应慢吗?时间都去哪里了?   
55616 抗疫三月 曙光渐露 Three Months into Our Fight Seeing the Arrival of Dawn
55617 防控2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的工作踏入第三个月,香港的疫情经历了惊涛骇浪,不容半点松懈。 During the third month of our fight against COVID-19, Hong Kong has experienced daunting challenges posed by the epidemic with no room to let down our guard.
55618 近日确诊数字大幅回落,大家都舒一口气,但鉴于疫情反复,政府仍须严阵以待。 Though we are a bit relieved to see a significant drop in the number of confirmed cases recently, the Government needs to remain alert given the volatility of the epidemic.
55619 疫情发展 Developments of the epidemic
55620 过去一个月,疫情继续在全球多国极速蔓延,确诊个案由一个月前的 40 万宗,上升至今天的 260 万宗,升幅高达六倍,而死亡个案亦高达 18 多万宗,令各国政府不得不采取极严厉的「封城」措施。 In the past month, the epidemic continued to spread rapidly in many countries around the world. The number of confirmed cases increased from 400 000 a month ago to 2.6 million today, an increase of some 600%, with over 180 000 deaths. Many governments had little choice but to take extreme measures such as a city lockdown.