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55621 同期,受外地疫情影响,大批在外港人回港,包括在欧美国家,特别是英国留学的学生,令本港平稳了一段时间的疫情,随着大量的输入个案,自 3 月中起变得严峻,至 3 月底到达高峰。 During the same period, the overseas epidemic situation resulted in a large number of Hong Kong residents abroad, including students studying in the United States of America (USA) and Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, to return to Hong Kong. Due to the large number of imported cases, Hong Kong’s epidemic situation, which had remained stable for a period up to mid-March, started to become severe and reached its peak at the end of March.
55622 3 27、28 29 日,本港分别录得单日 65、64 59 宗确诊个案。 On 27, 28 and 29 March, Hong Kong recorded 65, 64 and 59 confirmed cases respectively on a single day.
55623 我们当时都极之担心,因为若每天新增 60 宗个案须入院接受隔离,而据医管局统计,每名确诊病人平均住院日数为 15 20天,只要这个新增确诊个案数字持续一个月,医管局的 1 200 多张隔离病床将爆满,香港医院系统承受的压力将难以想象。 We were then extremely worried because if 60 new cases have to be admitted to hospital and placed in isolation each day (according to Hospital Authority statistics every confirmed case stays in hospital for 15 to 20 days on average) and if this number of new confirmed cases continued for one month then the Hospital Authority’s 1 200 or so isolation beds would be fully occupied and our hospital system would face unimaginable pressure.
55624 我们虽然深感忧虑,但没有自乱阵脚,而是继续按疫情发展迅速应变,参考专家意见;我们亦咬紧牙关,果断地采取严厉的措施应对(见下文)。 Although deeply anxious, we did not lose our composure but continued to respond promptly to the developments of the epidemic taking account of expert advice. We bit the bullet and resolutely took stringent measures in response to the situation (see ensuing paragraphs).
55625 确诊个案由 3 月底的高位回落,到 4 12 日重回个位数字,并维持至今;而且绝大多数个案属输入或其紧密接触者,显示我们防止了社区传播,香港再一次化险为夷。 The number of confirmed cases has dropped from the peak at end-March to single digits since 12 April, with the great majority of cases being imported or their close contacts. This shows we have prevented local transmission and that Hong Kong, once again, has overcome the challenge.
55626 本港确诊个案的七天移动平均数字 Confirmed Cases in Hong Kong: Seven-day Moving Average
55627 抗疫工作 Anti-epidemic efforts
55628 由于政府在 3 月底前已全面落实多项严控关口的措施,包括自3 25 日起禁止所有非香港居民从海外国家或地区乘搭飞机入境,过去一个月推出的抗疫措施集中在加强对抵港人士的病毒检测和限制社交接触,防止病毒传播。 Since the Government implemented stringent border control measures before end-March, including denying the entry to Hong Kong by plane of all non-Hong Kong residents arriving from overseas countries or regions from 25 March, the anti-epidemic measures introduced over the past month focused on enhancing virus testing for inbound travellers and restricting social interactions to prevent the spread of the disease.
55629 然而,我们并没有如一些海外国家般禁止市民外出,大部分食肆和商铺仍然营业,尽量维持市民的日常生活。 However, we have not prohibited people from going out as many overseas countries have done. Most restaurants and shops have remained open. People by and large can maintain their daily life.
55630 过去一个月政府因应疫情发展落实的主要措施载于下表︰ Major measures implemented by the Government to respond to the developments of the epidemic in the past month are set out in the following table: