ID 原文 译文
55631 日期 事件 Date Event
55632 3 25-26 一连两日安排四班专机接载第二批共 558 位滞留湖北的香港居民回港 25-26 March Four chartered flights were sent over two days to bring back to Hong Kong the second batch of 558 Hong Kong residents stranded in Hubei Province.
55633 3 25-26 卫生防护中心扩展「加强化验室监测计划」,并在亚洲国际博览馆设立临时样本采集中心,为英国、欧洲其他国家和美国抵港没有出现病征的人士提供病毒检测 25-26 March The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) extended the Enhanced Laboratory Surveillance Programme and set up a Temporary Specimen Collection Centre at Asia World-Expo to provide virus testing for asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving from the United Kingdom and other countries in Europe as well as the USA.
55634 3 27 政府公布 3 28 日六时起餐饮处所须要遵循六项防疫的营运要求,而六类场所(游戏机中心、浴室、健身中心、游乐场所、公众娱乐场所、供租用举行社交聚会的处所) 须关闭;3 29 日零时起禁止多于四人在公众地方的群组聚集。 27 March The Government announced that catering premises must comply with six disease control requirements and six types of premises (i.e. amusement game centres, bathhouses, fitness centres, places of amusement, places of public entertainment and premises for hire for holding social gatherings) must close from 6 p.m. on March 28; and gatherings of more than four people in a public place would be prohibited from midnight on March 29.
55635 行政长官并同时公布准备第二轮「防疫抗疫基金」,进一步支援受影响的个人和企业 At the same time, the Chief Executive announced the preparation of the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund to provide further assistance to individuals and businesses.
55636 4 1-2 政府公布由 4 1 日下午六时起卡拉 OK 场所、麻将天九耍乐处所和夜店须关闭,以及美容院、会所和按摩院须提升防疫措施;由 4 3 日下午六时起酒吧须关闭 1-2 April The Government announced that karaoke establishments, mahjong-tin kau establishments and nightclubs must be closed and beauty parlours, club?houses and massage establishments must step up epidemic control measures from 6 p.m. on 1 April; and bars must close from 6 p.m. on 3 April.
55637 4 5 65 名港人乘搭特区政府安排的专机从秘鲁抵港,随即送往亚洲国际博览馆的临时样本采集中心接受病毒测试,按结果安排入院或接受家居检疫 5 April 65 Hong Kong residents who took the chartered flights arranged by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government arrived in Hong Kong from Peru.Upon arrival, they were taken to the Temporary Specimen Collection Centre at AsiaWorld-Expo to undergo virus testing and were admitted to hospital or put under home quarantine subject to the test results.
55638 4 8 政府公布由 4 10 日零时起美容院和按摩院须关闭,以及延长规管餐饮业务、指定处所及禁止群组聚集措施至 4 23 8 April The Government announced the closure of beauty parlours and massage establishments from midnight on 10 April, and the extension of measures regulating catering businesses and scheduled premises as well as prohibiting group gatherings until 23 April.
55639 4 8 行政长官公布第二轮「防疫抗疫基金」及其他相关措施,涉及超过 1,300 亿元,包括推出 800 亿元「保就业」计划。立法会财务委员会 4 18 日通过有关拨款 8 April The Chief Executive announced the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund and other related measures involving over $130 billion, including an $80 billion Employment Support Scheme. The Legislative Council Finance Committee approved the funding on 18 April.
55640 4 8 卫生署强制要求所有经香港国际机场抵港没有出现病征的人士到临时样本采集中心依照指示收集深喉唾液样本,然后才可返回居所进行强制检疫。 8 April The Department of Health (DH) mandated all asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport to proceed to the Temporary Specimen Collection Centre to collect deep throat saliva samples according to instructions before undergoing compulsory quarantine at their place of accommodation.