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55641 此外,抵港前 14 日内曾到湖北省并从陆路口岸来港的人士亦会获提供样本瓶 Besides, specimen collection containers will be provided to inbound travellers arriving via land boundary control points who have been to Hubei Province in the past 14 days.
55642 4 9 卫生署要求所有由英国抵港航班没有出现病征的人士必须在临时样本采集中心等候检测结果,结果呈阴性后才可回到居所继续检疫;并在 4 13 日起将安排扩展至由美国和欧洲其他地区抵港航班没有出现病征的人士 9 April The DH required all asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving on flights from the United Kingdom to stay and wait for the test results at the Temporary Specimen Collection Centre, and they can continue their quarantine at their place of accommodation only if the test result is negative. The arrangement was extended to asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving on flights from the USA and other areas in Europe from 13 April.
55643 4 10 27 名香港居民乘搭中国驻摩洛哥王国大使馆安排的专机从摩洛哥抵达广州,除一名港人选择留在广州,其余人士乘坐专车回港到亚洲国际博览馆接受病毒测试 10 April 27 Hong Kong residents who left Morocco on a chartered flight arranged by the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Morocco arrived in Guangzhou. Apart from one Hong Kong resident who chose to stay in Guangzhou, all others returned to Hong Kong by pre-arranged coaches and were taken to AsiaWorld-Expo to undergo virus testing.
55644 4 11 为确保有足够检疫设施应付疫情需要,卫生防护中心开始按需要安排受检疫人士在入住检疫中心十天并进行病毒测试后,于余下四天返回家居继续接受检疫 11 April To ensure adequate quarantine facilities to cope with the development of the epidemic, the CHP will, where necessary, arrange for persons under compulsory quarantine to stay at quarantine centres for the first 10 days and then continue quarantine at home for the remaining four days after virus testing.
55645 4 19 卫生署要求所有于上午乘航班抵港没有出现病征的人士,须留在临时样本采集中心等候检测结果,结果呈阴性后才可回到居所继续检疫 19 April The DH required all asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving on flights landing in the morning to stay and wait for the test results at the Temporary Specimen Collection Centre. They can continue quarantine at their place of accommodation only if the test result is negative.
55646 4 19 随着入境人数减少,医管局在亚洲国际博览馆内的检测中心中午十二时起停止运作。 所有入境时有病征人士,会被送往公立医院接受检测 19 April With a declining number of inbound travellers, the Hospital Authority suspended the operation of the test centre at AsiaWorld-Expo from noon. Inbound travellers with symptoms will be admitted to public hospitals to undergo testing.
55647 4 20 卫生署开始试行向经香港国际机场抵港人士提供额外样本瓶,要求他们完成家居检疫前(第 12 天)再提供样本进行另一次病毒检测,结果呈阴性方可完成检疫 20 April The DH started a trial to provide an extra specimen collection container to inbound travellers arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport for the submission of samples for another round of virus testing (on the 12th day) before the completion of home quarantine. The quarantine can be completed only if the test result is negative.
55648 4 21 政府公布延长所有加强社交距离的法定措施 14 天至5 7 21 April The Government announced the extension of all statutory measures to enhance social distancing for 14 days until 7 May.
55649 4 22 卫生署要求下午或晚上乘坐航班抵港没有出现病征的人士,到位于富豪东方酒店的等候中心等候病毒检测结果,结果呈阴性后才可回到居所继续检疫。措施落实后,所有经香港国际机场抵港的人士均须经检测而且结果呈阴性后才可回到社区 22 April The DH required all asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving on flights landing in the afternoon or at night to stay and wait for virus test results at the Holding Centre in the Regal Oriental Hotel. They can continue quarantine at their place of accommodation only if the test result is negative. Upon implementation of the measure, all inbound travellers arriving at Hong Kong International Airport will be required to undergo testing and can return to the community only if the test result is negative.
55650 决定将各项加强社交距离的措施延续至 5 月初,对受影响的行业无疑是进一步的打击,政府完全明白业界的失望和不满,但当我们环顾世界各地爆发第二波或第三波的疫情,就不敢掉以轻心。 The decision to extend various enhanced social distancing measures to early May is no doubt a further blow to the affected business sectors. The Government fully understands the disappointment and frustration of these sectors, but we dare not let down our guard as we look at the second or third wave of outbreaks around the world.