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55651 应对公共卫生危机,政府往往亦要考虑措施对经济、民生和市民生活的影响。 In addressing the public health crisis, the Government also needs to consider the impact of the measures on the economy, livelihood and the daily lives of people.
55652 我记得政府抗疫工作的其中一位专家梁卓伟教授曾经以「三人拔河」来形容政府作决定时的难度。 I recall that Professor Gabriel Leung, one of the experts for the Government’s anti-epidemic work, once described the difficulty of the Government in making its decisions as a “three-way tug-of-war”.
55653 我们会继续聆听专家和各界意见,不断按实际疫情调整“Suppress and Lift”的策略,希望做到张弛有度。 We will continue to listen to the views of the experts and various sectors and constantly adjust the “Suppress and Lift” strategy according to the actual situation of the epidemic. The target is to achieve the optimal level of controls at all times.
55654 支援受疫情影响的个人和企业 Supporting individuals and businesses affected by the disease
55655 超过三个月的疫情,对经济造成前所未有的冲击,很多企业面临倒闭或要进行裁员,很多家庭及市民的生活陷入困境。 The epidemic has lasted for more than three months and presents unprecedented challenges to our economy. Many businesses are facing pressure to close down or resort to massive staff layoffs, and many families and members of the public are facing severe hardship.
55656 政府统计处发表的最新劳动人口统计数字,2020 1 月至 3 月经季节性调整的失业率上升至百分之 4.2,为超过九年来的高位,情况令人忧虑。 According to the latest labour force statistics released by the Census and Statistics Department, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for January to March 2020 increased worryingly to 4.2%, the highest level in over nine years.
55657 政府会全力保住员工的就业、减轻企业和市民的财政负担,以及部署经济在疫情受控后可以尽快复苏。 The Government will continue to make an all-out effort to keep our workers employed, relieve the financial burden of businesses and members of the public, and pave the way for post-epidemic economic recovery.
55658 两轮的「防疫抗疫基金」及相关支援项目以及财政司司长早前在《财政预算案》公布的纾困措施(尚待立法会通过),涉及总额为 2,875 亿元,占本地生产总值百分之十,这些措施正逐步落实,协助企业及市民渡过难关。 The two rounds of the Anti-epidemic Fund and related relief measures, together with the relief package in the 2020-21Budget announced by the Financial Secretary earlier on (yet to be approved by the Legislative Council), amount to $287.5 billion, representing 10% of Gross Domestic Product. These measures are being implemented progressively to help businesses and members of the public tide over the difficult times.
55659 同心抗疫 Fighting the virus together
55660 过去一个月的抗疫成效得来不易,有赖全港市民同心抗疫、医护紧守岗位、政府部门通力合作和各行各业的理解。 The hard-earned results of our anti-epidemic work over the past month are due to the togetherness of the community at large, the unswerving commitment of our healthcare professionals, the collaborative efforts of various government departments and the understanding of all sectors in society.