ID 原文 译文
55661 我有信心我们「守得住」疫情,香港「撑得过」经济寒冬,只要大家再多忍耐一时,定可迎来阳光灿烂的明天。 I am confident that Hong Kong will come through the epidemic and the economic downturn. As long as we can hold on for some more time, we will soon see a bright tomorrow.
55662 香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥 Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
55663 2020 4 25 25 April 2020
55664 2020年4月23日,刘晓明大使出席“亚洲之家”网上座谈会,发表主旨演讲,并与“亚洲之家”主席格林勋爵进行对话交流,回答听众提问。 At an Asia House webinar on 23rd April, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming delivered a speech, followed by a discussion with Lord Green and Q&A with the online audience.
55665 对话交流和答问实录如下: Here are the excerpts of the discussion and Q&A session.
55666 格林勋爵:欢迎刘大使!非常感谢各位与会者! Lord Green: Thank you Ambassador Liu and thank you very much to those who are with us.
55667 随着新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延,我们正面临非同寻常的形势,更多人呼吁开展建设性的国际合作。 There will be many people who share the appeal for constructive international cooperation and engagement in this unprecedented situation.
55668 我认为,现在的形势至少是第二次世界大战以来“前所未有”的,给每一个国家都带来了各种挑战。 Unprecedented is a word that is becoming extremely frequently to use, but we think it is unprecedented at least since the Second World War. It poses all sorts of challenges for individual countries.
55669 中国第一个受到疫情冲击,看来也将是第一个摆脱疫情影响的国家。 China is the first into it and seems to be the first out of it.
55670 我认为,保持谨慎仍是非常必要的。 I guess caution is always necessary.