ID 原文 译文
55671 现在英国仍在与疫情做斗争,欧洲也在与疫情做斗争。 Britain as you know is still struggling, and Europe is all struggling with this.
55672 当前,我们面临短期、中期和长期的挑战,其中一些挑战源于新冠疫情的深刻影响,另一些则不是。 It seems to me that there are some short, medium and longer term challenges, some of which are deeply impacted by COVID-19, and some are not.
55673 在我看来,短期内,我们面临如何退出封锁隔离措施的问题。 It seems to me that clearly in the short term, we have the question of how to exit from lockdown strategies.
55674 这一问题在英国乃至整个欧洲引起了广泛讨论,并在美国和东亚一些地区引发诸多焦虑。 This as you know is a topic that gets a lot of conversation in this country and around Europe more generally, and it's causing a lot of anxiety in the US as well, and maybe in some parts of East Asia.
55675 日本采取了特殊的防疫路径,但极有可能引发病毒“二次冲击”。 Japan has taken a particular route, which is almost explicitly allowing the possibility of a second wave of the virus.
55676 在研制出有效疫苗仍需时日的情况下,不同的抗疫策略会带来不同的挑战。 So different strategies are all agonising with the difficulty of getting out of the COVID-19 situation, particularly since we all recognise that it will take some while for an effective vaccination to be available against the virus.
55677 疫情对经济也产生短期挑战。 There are some short term challenges that have to do with the immediate economic impact of COVID-19, which we all wrestle with.
55678 例如,旅游业如何能重新成为重要的经济力量? For example, how tourism will reemerge as an important economic force;
55679 小型零售企业在多大程度上会因疫情影响而倒闭? and about the retail industry, to what extent many small businesses will be shut down and so on.
55680 从整个宏观经济看,各国纷纷推出庞大的财政和货币刺激政策,这些措施会产生什么样的中期后果? Then there is the whole macroeconomic picture: country after country have released enormous support packages, fiscal and monetary. What are the medium term consequences of those?